Feeling down

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  • 15 subscribers

I know I come here alot when I'm down but I'm down alot and have no one. I dreed getting up each day the weather is bad even if it wasnt I dont want to go out as I cant afford to get sick this close to starting treatment . I am all over I dont know how to feel. I feel angry, disappointed, scared , like a failure I just dont know. This sitting around all the time waiting and no one to wait with .. I'm so lonely and sad I just dont know.. I dont know how to feel or who to talk to.

They say call the support line and talk but that really doesnt help any to be honest . Sometimes I just wish I'd not wake up. I know that sounds horrible but I just dont know anymore. I dont feel I have any friends that arent online none of my family are here just my kids and they have lifes and the 2 that are at home.well ones a gamer and the other we dont get alone with each other. I just want to feel normal or something close to it. Cant go out cause may get chest infection and if that happens i want get treatment started.. i feel like it's a losing battle no matter what i do. 

  • I'm thankful for yall to talk to. I live with two of my grown kids but their no company and both can see I need help but apparently I need to beg them for help. I feel like I'm loosing my mind. The weather is horrible and fixing to start treatment so I cant afford to get sick. I stopped smoking in june when they told me and to be honest it's been easy till lately cause I really want a cigarette pretty bad.. im really finding that hard not to smoke at the minute. Everything is grating on my last nerve . I want to scream and cry. Things ache am just so I dont even know right now.. 

  • Still raining. I dont know how much longer I can sit around feeling on edge alot lately.. havent touched a cigarette sense june when they told me and I'm chocking for one right now.. 

  • Can you try and distract yourself? Something with your hands? Play the Sims maybe? You’ve done so well so far. But just sitting there gives too much time to think so it’s best to try and do something. Keeping yourself occupied with something might help.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Turned them on played five minutes and got off. When I feel on edge or irritable I can concentrate.  Am trying to watch a movie..

  • Hopefully that will help pass the time for you. Anything to take your mind off things is good. Do you have any hobbies? Do you like to read? I’ve had a duvet day today, but I’ve spent my time catching up on some tv, checking on groups I’m in online, sending messages. I never just sit/lie and think because I know that’s not really helpful for me.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Goodmorning it was an ok night. I go online to talk to family but sometimes that back fired on me. Their all doing so well they have it made in life. And I'm happy for them but it makes me feel like im being punished because we all believe in God and pray and somehow I've ended up needing to learn lessons or something  cause I dont have it made like them they have wonderful partners and homes and I mean they have their problems to but sometimes I'd rather their problems then mine. It also makes me miss them so much to. Anyways looks like we may get a break from the rain today. That will be nice.i hope u have a wonderful day

  • Hi Brandie

    A bit delayed in my response as we’ve come away for the weekend. Turns out the weather is much better down south! 

    Sometimes when the grass looks greener it maybe isn’t but it can be hard not to be envious of those who appear to sail through life without issues. Maybe things are not quite as perfect behind closed doors but they are careful not to let anyone see that. 

    I don't actual see cancer as a punishment but I do have the belief that we are here to learn lessons in this life. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I agree but it would be much easier if we atleast knew of the lessons or reasons we are here for so we can prepare alittle. I think I'm just tired of the unknown on my own. I know my family Have their own issues believe me and it amazes me how strong they are each day. Today turned out gloomy in the good old northeast.. have a wonderful weekend 

  • Glad you could get away for the weekend I dont have a clue what that's like. I dont have anyone to hang with or anything.  It's been a sad sort of weekend. Back to trying to find a reason to keep going.. and I'm struggling to find one.... hope yall made it home safe and dry..

  • Morning Brandie

    It was only one night away and had its challenges as I live with 2 stomas, so it wasn’t easy. I was exhausted when we got home, so went straight to bed. So things might not always be as good as they sound! But I did appreciate being out of the house as I’m disabled and completely housebound without help to go out.

    Being alive is my reason to keep going. I appreciate how lucky I am to still be here after several times when I almost wasn’t. So I’m grateful to wake up each day. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm