Husband in a bad way after 1st Chemo

  • 23 replies
  • 7 subscribers
My poor hubby had his first blast of Cisplatin on Thursday, seemed OK for the first 24 hours and then just could not stop being sick. I had to take him back into hospital early Saturday morning as he was so dehydrated - he is still there. The leaflet we were given led us to believe he would feel nausea but would be unlikely to actually be sick due to the anti sickness drugs they give you. I guess he was just unlucky. Has anyone else had this type of experience? I feel so helpless as he told the nurse to tell me not to visit him today as he's feeling too unwell. The hospital is about a 45 min drive so I can't just pop over to check how he is.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    When does he have the next lot of chemo? Hope it goes ok and he doesn't feel too bad after it. Out of interest has he tried a wheat bag on his back instead tend to find that they arent as hot as hot water bottles so maybe wouldnt give him heat rash? Do the Drs know if its llikely that he will react as badly to this one?

    Not sure on the name of it, all I can remember is that it begins with a K. (my memory is rubbish at the mo) For most people the side effects are very small unfortunately my mum seems to be in the minority who react badly to it :( She was admitted to the hospice on Wednesday who seem to be looking after her well and slowly starting to make her feel better. She's having a blood transfusion on Monday because her blood count is very low and the Dr thinks this will help her feel loads better so fingers crossed!



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ladies

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loved ones.  My mum was diagnosed with advanced bladder cancer in February 2010  and started cisplatin a few weeks ago, she has had one long day on cisplatin and one short day on Gemzar.  The cisplatin made her feel absolutely rotten, especially nausea and fatigue.  

    She was lucky she didn't actually vomit but suffered with nausea within 24 hrs of the treatment.  We make sure she has ginger biscuits and ginger beer on the ward, whilst having the treatment and I don't know if that has helped but as I said, she hasn't actually been sick.  She said the worse side effects for her on cisplatin is nausea and fatigue.  We find it very hard to get food into her, so try and feed her up whilst she isn't having treatment.

    We don't have an option, this is her only chance with chemo and radiotherapy, so its a case of gritting our teeth and trying to get through it.

    Thinking of you all.

    Best wishes



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I think the waiting is the worst part im looking after my dad and he starts his first chemo tommorow and im quite nervous to see how he is affected ,iv read about it but i just hope i can handle whatever happens for my dads sake ,its just hard to see my once indestrutable dad the way he is now .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, how did it go with your dad and his first treatment?

    My mum had her treatment stopped this week due to low white blood count, so they'll review things again next week with a blood transfusion if her blood count is still low.

    Cisplatin is horrible, mum has really bad vertigo which she has always had, but the chemo is really making it bad, along with low blood pressure.

    This is getting tough now and we've only just started.

    Anyway, thinking of you and your dad and hoping it went ok.



  • FormerMember

    i had my first lot of cisplatin last week,, i was constantly sick for 5 days it was  horrible, so know how he feels.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    cisplatin...eeek !

    iv had that three times in a chemo called r-dhap..

    it made me really sick at the time...more so when i got home.

    same as the tiredness..

    BUT , try not to worry to much it does pass and its good stuff...

    its part of what got me into my current being sick and knackered was a small price to pay....if a nasty one at the time....ask for stronger anti sickness pills if need be....and dont try to do to much after the chemo...feet up, relax, and dont rush things...

    hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    if i remember the ondansitron anti sickness pills worked for me..

    but they do have stronger...


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi poppy  I Was wondering where you were, but now I know you were getting your chemo  I had Cisplatin, along with Epirubicin, and  capecitabine tablets (5fu in tablet form)  It was horrible but it has really shrunk the cancer so yes it is a small price to pay and you are only sick for that one week then it gets a lot better, till the next one, then only another bad week then better.  It really is worth the discomfort and there are a lot of good antisickness tabs out there to hlep.  If one doesn't work ask for another

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello everyone, My husband had the cisplatin with the alimta and after a few bad attempts with other anti sickness tablets it was the ondansetron that got him through in the end. Hope this helps. Take care one and all xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    it seems most people react badly to cisplatin then, although it does the job. Hubby is now on Carboplatin and Gem something, which has made him exremely tired but this is way more managable.  We get the results of his scan on Tuesday to see if it is working. Best wishes

    Clare x