Husband in a bad way after 1st Chemo

  • 23 replies
  • 7 subscribers
My poor hubby had his first blast of Cisplatin on Thursday, seemed OK for the first 24 hours and then just could not stop being sick. I had to take him back into hospital early Saturday morning as he was so dehydrated - he is still there. The leaflet we were given led us to believe he would feel nausea but would be unlikely to actually be sick due to the anti sickness drugs they give you. I guess he was just unlucky. Has anyone else had this type of experience? I feel so helpless as he told the nurse to tell me not to visit him today as he's feeling too unwell. The hospital is about a 45 min drive so I can't just pop over to check how he is.
  • FormerMember

    Hi, sorry to hear about your husband, iv'e just finished cisplatin with alimta although I wasn't sick I had terrible nausea and couldn't eat for 2 weeks after each session. My wife pulled me through as I'm sure you will get your husband through,it does affect people in different ways and I must have tried all the anti-sickness tablets but I don't think they helped. I think the two of you have to become one to get over this part of your treatment. My chemo never worked so it's all about trial drugs now.My wife and I are now living in hope but we are not going to give up.

    Regards John

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    My husband was given emend for two days after taking Cisplatin.

    Have a look at this article (assuming the link works OK) It certainly worked for MOH

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thankyou for your replies.  John - I am so sorry your chemo didnt work, what a blow to have gone though all that for nothing, however there is still hope if you are using the trial drugs. I wish you lots of luck. 

    vwill88 - thanks for the link, its good to know there are things out there that can help.

    Jack is still in hospital, I am going to visit him tonight between 6-7pm so I will see how he is.  I just hope he can come home tomorrow.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Clare.  My husband was diagnosed last May with mesothelioma (lung cancer related to asbestos) and was told it was the most agressive form of cancer and that the average timespan was 12 months.  We were both reeling as he didnt have the normal symptons etc. He was told that he should have 6 courses of chemo (cisplatin and Altima) and off he went to the hospital feeling very positve.  After the first session he had to go back in for a week as he was so ill.  The second session wasnt so bad as the dosage was lowered by 20%.  With that in mind he went for the third session (still on the lower dosage) and had to go back into hospital for a week as he was so ill. Well he said enough was enough an he thought if he had anymore it would kill him.  Since then we have been on several holidays (now not interested in drinking anymore) which we have enjoyed greatly although he doesnt have the energy he once had.  After his last CAT scan in Jan 2010 it showed that the tumour had only grown by 4mm.  Problem that Mick has is that the tumour is the linings of the lungs but only one lung is particularly affected.  He is on Co-codamol and and has gone from 10 to 30 strength.  We are due to go back to the Oncologist in May but at the moment he doesnt feel the best and is still going out and about with limited success.  Im not saying he wont try another form of chemo but there is no way he will stay in the hospital overnight.  He said he was so delighted to come home even if he wasnt well.  All I can say is quality of life better quantity.  Like you my world has been blown apart and most of the time everything is surreal but you will still have some laughs and you are not on your own.  Problem with this site is that you go around the houses all the time to get back to where you were last so sometimes I am unable to reply to some of the people

    Lots of love Theresa x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Theresa, your hubby was very brave to go back into hospital after the 1st lot of chemo never mind the 2nd. I saw Jack today and he'd been sick again last night but today they gave him an anti sicknessdrug that might just be working. He is adamant that he wont have any more chemo and sticks by what he said yesterday. It only had a 1 in 3 to a 1 in 4 chance of it actually working and giving him a few more months. It broke me seeing him so weak and scared and defeated, he has always been a positive person, looking on the bright side. this time last week he was joking with me and the kids.

    i am quite confused by the way this site works too, but I have sent you a friends request which means I will be able to pm you.

    Clare x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I hope the new drug is helping your husband.  I do agree that this site can be difficult to navigate, but, I have  sent  you a PM, and hope you can find it.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Daffie, I have replied to your PM.

    The update is that Jack is home but still nauseaus and I am keeping a close eye on him - if he is sick again it will be back to the hopsital for rehydration. One of the doctors could not beleive he had taken his anti sickness drugs.

    This has totally deflated us, we were completely unprepared for this as we were told to expect nausea and tiredness. I am not sure what is the way forward as he was due to have anther dose of chemo yesteday but withdrew his consent. we have an appointment with the oncologist on the 14th about radiotherapy, so hopefully that will be the next thing. meanwhile the cancer grows.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Clare

    Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but manic here. How is your husband and how are you coping? I think your husband had the same experience as Mick and he swore he wasnt doing that again.  Took him about 2months to get over the bout in August.  He doesnt have any dealing with the hospice and he feels better about that.  That could well change.  A couple of very kind people on the site have suggested seeing Dr Steele in Barts.  I am trying to con vince Mick to try for a 2nd opinion as he is the leading expert in meso but if Mick hears chemo I am sure he will pole vault out the door and the air will be blue one can only hope.  I saw that the sex pistols manager died in the week of mesothelioma.  I couldnt believe it.  If I can help in any way please contact me. Although it takes me a month of Sundays to get around this site. Apart from that all is well here at the moment.  Micks arms are thin and his GP has sent him for a blood test for muscle wastage.  He spirits are good and has done a bit of painting in the hall mindit took him3 times as long.

    Take care and lots of love

    Theresa xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Clair

    Hope you and your husband are bearing up ok. I can sympathise....they have just changed my mums chemo as the original one wasn't working and said the side effects wouldn't be so bad but she has been being sick on and off since her chemo nearly 5 weeks ago, keep waiting for her to feel better but unfortunately hasnt happened yet :( but she did manage to leave teh house for the first time in a month the other day which has got to be a plus! She also had the same reaction after her first lot of original chemo and they admitted her to hosp which seemed to work wonders for her, I hope that the hospital managed to help your hubby feel better.

    It's pretty terrifying to watch someone you love go through so much so I hope you have lots of people looking after you and supporting you.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi again, we have been away on holiday to the east coast but cut it short to come back for the Oncologist appointment today. he explained that they didnt want to give him RT until they had managed to shrink the tumor, and offered another type of chemo drug (carboplatin). To my relief, Jack agreed but he is very scared that he will react badly again and  be much more weakened. He has a very sore back from vomiting so much (he now cant lie down properly at night) and he developed a heat rash from the hot water bottle he was using to ease it. It just seems he cant shake off minor illnesses anymore and they develop into a bigger problem.

    Theresa, I hope your husband agrees to see Dr Steele in Barts for a 2nd opinion, but in the end its up to them isnt it. I wanted Jack to have a go at the new treatment on offer in Germany (Daffies husband on here has had it) but he didnt want to give it a go and I can't make him.

    Char85, do you know the name of the chemo drug they are giving your Mum. pretty grim for her still being sick, but hopefully it will work for her


    Clare x