Panic Attacks?

  • 10 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Does anyone else get these feelings of panic and stress? Tight chest, thumping heart, dizziness? Mostly I'm ok and we're coping, but sometimes I feel under so much pressure and while OH relies on me and I take care of him, there's nobody taking care of me. I don't know who to turn to for any sort of support, all the support is geared towards the patient rather than the spouse. People will let me talk but they have no idea how to respond. I feel so very alone and worried and scared. We were with family over Christmas and I was ok but now it's just us again the panic is back. 

  • Hi  

    Long term stress can have a serious impact on our own health, it can be worth talking to your GP about this who should make sure you get some support too. 



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  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear of your situation, please be assured that you are not alone in experiencing these symptoms. After my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2024, I reached out to my GP in the July because I was anxious all the time, wasn't sleeping well, felt under pressure to support my wife and kids through the difficult situation with all the ambiguity and stress that goes with tests, results, appointments, treatment and hopes/fears for the future.

    I was prescribed some anti anxiety medication on the proviso that I would access counselling support (the GP only had 10 mins to talk to me and could see that was not enough). I was lucky to access a confidential scheme provided by my employer. I also made a contact on here in similar circumstances and we now chat regularly. Effectively, providing each other with emotional support.

    So do think about contacting your GP and looking into any other services that are out there. You're absolutely right, you have to ask for these things as the main support is offered to the patient.

    Hope this helps a bit and sending you love and very best wishes.

  • Hiya, 

    yes I absolutely know that feeling . I went straight to my gp to discuss and was given help with my anxiety.  I'd advise talking to your gp. 



  • Got it 110% sat here now looking for help. I'll get an appointment at GP but will be about an 8 week wait. Will have forgotten why I made the appointment by the time I get there!!

    Deep breathing and try to get things into perspective I guess. I have ALOT on my plate. But your only in control on what your actually incontrol of. Worrying about things that have not happened yet is a waste of your effort. And what will be ....will be.    I seem to get everything sorted in my head and then every few weeks/months I'm back to a state of panic and I have to tell myself this all over again.

  • Thankyou for your support, I'm trying not to ask for help but I think you are right. xx

  • Thankyou for taking the time to reply to my post, I agree entirely about only worrying about the reality, not what may or may not happen. Some days are harder than others, as we know. I still haven't contacted my GP, but I have confided in a good friend and it helps having someone to share my thoughts with. I really hope you find some help. Sending love and hugs xx

  • I wont bother with GP.I have managed to keep it under control since summer 2021. Gp will offer councilling which is so booked up it'll take months to get to or pills. Niether are suitale for me. Glad you are finding your way. Best wishes.x

  • Hi. I called my doctor for a sick note as we found out on Monday my adult son (but still my baby) has cancer. I literally cannot think of anything else since Monday. I can't eat and keep googling things. The doctors got me in straight away on the same day when I told them on the phone what it was about. He has given me 12 Diazepam tablets 'incase' I really need some relief from my own persistent catastrophising. Maybe call and see if you can get in your docs. 

  • Hi, yes - I started to experience this a couple of weeks ago. I've been like it for a couple of days, then fine, then it comes back again. Started having short quick breaths, shaking, thumping heart and on the point of bursting into tears. It happened at work once and I had to leave to calm down as I was embarrassed I'd burst into tears in front of everyone.

    I can sort of spot it coming now and try to concentrate and slow my breathing down which seems to work for me. I think it's the body's way of telling you to slow down and try to think about yourself for a while. When I told my wife about it (she's the one I'm caring for) she started laughing - that really didn't help! I think she thought I was joking at first, then realised I was serious. I think that goes to show that even the person we're caring for doesn't see the effect seeing them dealing with cancer has on us. You're right - everything is geared towards them, and especially once you've been dealing with everything for a while and appear to be coping everyone forgets about you and only focusses on the person with cancer.

    I seem to be able to see what's happening to me and deal with it myself at the moment but I have said I'll be off to the doctor if that changes or it continues for too long. I would definitely see your GP if you're struggling, or at least promise yourself you will soon.

    We both have friends that have been excellent and supportive, but someone else on hear nailed it for me when they said something like "friends can't understand what it's like when your life just stops when theirs carries on as normal".

    I hope things work out for you, take care and make sure you look after yourself.

  • Hi Carrole

    So sorry to hear you're going through this with your Son; it's so awful when it's your child, you just want to be a good Mum & make it all better. My adult daughter was diagnosed last August with a very aggressive cancer & the Googling took over my life for months, until I realised it was all out of my hands & I had to trust the Docs to find the way forward. My focus now is trying to keep her in good spirits & provide practical help.with housework, shopping etc. 

    However, I've only just admitted to myself that I'm not coping, in tears all the time, (apart from when I'm with Daughter & putting on a brace face) & not sleeping but also feeling guilty for being like that. Been to the GP today who's put me on anti depressants & I'm praying they work because the anxiety is making me feel physically ill. 

    I really hope things are going OK for your Son & you're feeling a bit less floored by it all. 

    Sending you a great big hug (( ))