Won’t eat

  • 16 replies
  • 49 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer at the end of June 2024 and told that without treatment he only had three months to live. 
He had his first chemo three weeks ago but it wiped him out, he became very tired, dehydrated, sore mouth and chest infection that ended with him being admitted to hospital. He has since been moved to a hospice.

the hospice has been in contacts with his consultant and he is booked in for chemo in two weeks time.

BUT, he is bed bound and weak, his infection and sore mouth has gone but he has no strength in his legs now, 
the doctor has told him that he needs to eat to build his strength and put him in a position to be able to have chemo.

He know he needs to eat and says he wants to fight and get his strength back but he doesn’t do what he says he is going to do. He won’t eat, we have tried to encourage him,  we have been nice and we have also shouted at him to try to bring the fight out but he won’t eat enough.

its killing me and the family knowing that he has to eat otherwise there is no treatment.

He doesn’t know why he won’t eat, when I ask I just get ‘I don’t know’

i feel like I have my life on hold, while I visit him and spend all my time going to and from the hospice but I get nothing back from him. I just want him either to fight and start eating or if he doesn’t want to to at least tell me that.

i feel lost

  • I am so sorry - I know words are useless at this time but I am thinking of you and sending you a hug and shoulder to cry on x

  • Its hard being the carer - sending hugs

  • Hi Rellim, I am so sorry for your pain. My husband passed on the 4th of August. The grief is so intense. You are in my thoughts, Kind regards.

  •  I am so sorry to hear this. I am also in a similar position, and completely understand your frustration at this time. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in June which had spread to his adrenal gland. He also will not/ cannot eat, and has lost so much weight he is barely able to stand. 

    He just seems completely unable to even consider it, and it feels like he has given up. He is at home, and in bed, and I am trying to keep him as comfortable as possible and not get upset, as it doesn't help. 

    It feels a lonely place to be, so I am sending thoughts and a hug - we all need it x

  • Rellim - and everyone else in a similar place - just want you to know you're not on your own. Everyone on here is virtually holding your hand.  Keep posting, support here is so important.  Sending love, strength and a hug. x