Feeling hopeless

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi, this is my first post in a long time.  My husband’s cancer returned in March, it’s now stage 4 and incurable, we are told best case 18 months. He has a large tumour in his pelvis, so he struggles to walk, and it’s very advanced in both lungs.   He’s just finished 3 months of palliative chemo, with a scan this week to see if it’s helped at all.  He is skeletal and has been on high doses of multiple opioid painkillers since March.  Our kids are 4 and 7, and I am from Australia and have no one nearby to help.   I have my own health issues and generally struggling just to keep my head above water.  My mental health is really nose diving due to some other issues with my family in the past few weeks.  I just tried calling a mental health crisis centre and was told to try to make myself happy and focus on making memories with my husband and kids, which I just feel totally incapable of doing right now.  I don’t know what I am hoping for from this post, I guess I just want someone to tell me I can get through this, because it really feels impossible today. 

  • Hi  

    That does sound really difficult. I would like to say I find the response of the crisis center disappointing but then I have some experience myself and I never found them very useful either.

    I am glad you reached out on here though because I do know how tough it can be. That you are keeping your head above water is a real achievement and with two young children too.

    If you might find it helpful to talk to someone you would be welcome to ring our helpline 0808 808 0000 - it is open 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm. Outside that time you can speak to Samartins 24/7 on 116 123 

    If there is a Maggies anywhere near you they offer face-to-face drop in;s that I found very helpful.



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  • I'm so sorry. The crisis centre's response was remarkably facile. Please know you are not alone. Some days are just impossible, and all you can do is let time pass and get through them. Sending you huge hugs x

  • Thanks Steve, sadly there isn’t a Maggies near us .  I’ve spoken to a good friend in Aus  to get me through today,  i‘ll keep the helpline number handy.