Looking after my dad.

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers


My dad is due to start Chemoradio treatment. My mum passed away 4 months ago so Dad lives alone. 

Luckily we are are very close family who live in the same village and are able to care for him. My question is will we have to sleep over? How much care is my dad likely to need whilst going through his treatment? Im just trying to get some idea at the moment. Any help will be much appreciated. 

Thank you  

  • Hi  

    I feel for you having lost your mum so recently and now your dad going through this.

    We all see a great long list of potential side effects but nobody really knows what will happen in any single case. I might guess there are sometime sleeping over might be comforting although as you note you are close anyway perhaps a emergency alarm call system might be an alternative. 

    It may well be a good idea to talk to his oncology team in case there is some point in his treatment where they might say he should have someone with him though that is possibly as likely to be as in the day.



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