Not eating during chemo

  • 22 replies
  • 42 subscribers


My husband got stage 4 bowel cancer. Last chemo session couple weeks ago he refused to eat for two days.

This time round seems worser ( round 8). He is not eating, just drinking. He struggled to take a shower alone.

His tumours are shrinking but chemotherapy is tough.

At what point I really need to be concerned with him not eating? 

  • He has half bad days and half good days. So I try and feed him a lot of high calorie stuff like scones, brownies, cake on the good days so that when he doesn't eat, I can be OK. Otherwise it was just really hard on me as a carer, when he wasn't eating. I felt guilty for eating. 

  • Thank you   for sharing.

    My husband got diabetes too so it complicates everything bit more.

    We got in touch with hospital yesterday and they will ring today to check on him again. He started to eat tiny amounts, literaly at least that.