Dad has colon cancer.

  • 1 reply
  • 41 subscribers


my dad has just been diagnosed with Colon cancer. He had an appointment with the colorectal surgeon next week. We have had no more information. Does this mean he will be having surgery or does the colorectal surgeon sort our radio therapy too? We are a bit confused as at the diagnoses apt they said he would first be having radio therapy. 

Thank you x

  • Hi  

    A warm welcome to our community though we are always a little bit sorry to see new members join our family.

    There is a lot of information on our main site about colon cancer that can help understand a bit about what happens including the sorts of more information that might be coming his way before too long. You might also like to look at and possibly post in the Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum where there will be people at all stages of treatment who can help share experience.

    How are you? It can be a real challenge when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer - with me it was my wife and Leiomyosarcoma so quite different to your dad. I eventually reached out for support and it can be amazing how sharing on here can help us all.



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