New diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My husband has very recently been diagnosed with stomach cancer. He is already retired and I still work full time on a dementia unit. We are not entitled to any financial help but may be if I drop to part time hours we may get some help. I don't know where to find out what we might be entitled to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Hi  

    A warm welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your husband.

    What I would recommend in terms of what you might be entitled to is to post your question in Ask a Financial Guide or ring the helpline as recommended here.

    Hopefully your employer is being supportive too at a time that can be really difficult for you.



    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Tobydog and a warm welcome to the forum, though so sorry you have to be here, and your husband has cancer, If you have a Maggie's near you they have a benefits advisor you can see, it is open mon-fri 9am-5pm just pop in, though phone ahead to book an appointment to be sure, PS they also offer so much more than this, best wishes to you both'

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Steve yes my managers have been lovely and if I need to swap my shifts or take days off they are great as are some my colleagues.

    I will call the help line for advise thankyou.

    Hugs back to you.

    Debbie (Toby dog)

  • Thankyou Eddie I will Google the Web site as I've not heard of them. 

    Best wishes to you too

    Debbie (Toby dog)

  • You are welcome, and remember cancer is classed as a disability so you may be entitled to help with travel or parking.

    Eddie xx