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We are 1 year into a renal cancer diagnosis stage 3b with my Dad. He is in nivolumab immunotherapy and daily cabozantanib. These have been working and until March this year not any real side effects to speak of. He was hospitalised in March and discovered that as a result of immunotherapy his adrenal glands are damaged and is now steroid dependent. Just another life threatening thing to deal with. He was a fit active outdoor Dad pre diagnosis, and has completely checked out of life. I’m struggling seeing the person he has become, he barely leaves the house, just sits and stares at the tv. He doesn’t talk about how he is feeling and won’t talk to a professional. He is 66 and looks, 96. Therapy is working to reduce the spread, but he looks worse by the day. I’m angry he is just letting life pass him by

  •  I feel your frustration. 

    Hope you have someone you can off load to.

    My hubby has not moved off the settee apart to go to bed.

    Pain relief doesn't help but then he doesn't take it before the pain gets to bad.

    My life is reminding him things, he looks old now.

    I'm not sure if being told he will have a 5- 7 year with possibility of 20 years is a good thing.  He was originally told he would not be here by Christmas!

    I'm not sure I can keep this up - only  got things going after sending complaint to PALS.  

    What is going on with the NHS?

  • I do have a good support network, and I started going to see a councillor which really helped. 

    my Dad has been in no pain at all which is a saving Grace so far.

    we haven’t had a timescale at, but it is palliative treatment he is on as not curable. 

    All you can do is put one foot on front of the other x