Where can we get a Night Sitter?

  • 2 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Help! My Mother in Law who is in her final weeks of life desperately needs a night sitter to help her onto the commode and prevent her falling out of bed. Does anyone know where we can get night sitters who will be safe, checked, qualified in the Stratford on Avon area of Warwickshire.

Many thanks for your suggestions.

  • Hi MiriamY welcome to the forum and I am so sorry to hera about what is happening  for you. I dont know if this is possible but the GP could ask if Marie Curie Nurses are available in your area as they often provide night nurses. 


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  • Hi Gail, thanks for responding. I contacted them today. The GP and District Nurses  said they would refer my MiL to Marie Curie for night sitters. But they didn't get back to me. I'm worried about Sunday night as we are home in Gloucestershire trying to get a rest and some sleep and 84 yr old auntie is alone there and not able to provide the support needed any more than we can! Its a miracle that MiL hasn't got serious injuries from these nightly falls and hours on the floor!