Help! I feel like I’m never enough!

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

So my partner was diagnosed recently, had two major operations, one planned and the other emergency, as first round of chemo failed. 

I’ve been right by their side, everyday. They are very angry and it’s been apparent to all it’s aimed at me as I’m always there.recently I’ve been having massive burn outs, I feel ill as I’m anaemic, I’m autistic and have complex mental health. im such an empath I like to fix every argument, but recently I think boundaries are being overstepped. My partner likes to tell everyone they are going through this physically but I’m mentally going through it but demands so much of me that I broke a couple of weeks ago and went back into a mental health crisis.

recently they’ve said I chose to stay with them through this diagnosis and I need to step up too the mark or leave this all started after I said this morning I’m very tired and feel unwell to shower today meaning myself and them, although I’ve been told by various member of healthcare they are capable I still wash them.they manage to get up, get dressed, cook, go out for meals, yet I feel one day I am exhausted completely they loose their mind at me and say how dare I call myself a carer?

am I not doing enough? I just spent everyday at the hospital, washing them, looking after the pets, walking them and disregarding anytime for myself, as ultimately I would do anything for them, I’m just a little burnt out. Do I need to be doing more? Can I constantly keep up this level of care? 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though so sorry to read about what you are going through.

    To start at the end of your question - Can you constantly keep up this level of care - well reading the rest of your message I hear you saying almost certainly no - burnout is a very real condition even now recognized by the world health organisation.

    If we look at our pages on your feelings when someone has cancer I see how common the sorts of things you talk about are but I would highlight the section on looking after yourself - I hope you think you made a great start by coming here. We sometimes talk of models like "fit your own oxygen mask first" and "can't pour from an empty pot" when we forget to look after ourselves.

    Sometimes to we note how people can hurt the ones they love the most, this is often because their own fears are really strong and when it comes to the one they love they feel no need to mask - it is of course sometimes very difficult. 

    Do post on here whenever, we understand. My wife has had cancer for over 10 years now and I needed a lot of help at times in the past.



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  • Its hard being the doer, fixer, everything to everyone.

    Even in the short term it takes its toll let alone in tbe long term.

    I am pulled between doing everything and making them do what they can.  

    Having time to yourself is a must.  Make sure you have someone you can off load to.

    Cancer affects everyone not just the person diagnosed.

    Stay strong and look after yourself

  • Thank you for your message.

    its hard as we were new into our relationship, and we are quite young myself 30 and partner 33 and have a lot of life experiences to discover together although recently one of these has been stripped away from us due to the cancer spreading quite rapidly. It started as colon/bowel cancer now, liver and then ovaries which are now gone. That was a huge blow for us. as my partner wanted to have a baby for me.

    they are just angry and I know I’m a good sound board but I’m broke and don’t know how much more I can be a nurse/hca/carer and wife and counsellor. We don’t get a lot of help due to their condition getting worse and we don’t fit the criteria for groups locally, so this was my last resort to reach out for help because I just am lost with hope.

    the condition they have continues to get worse and treatment might be stopped all together we are currently between terminal and curative stage 4. That itself is a mind twist to try and disyfer through what might happen next. It seems this year within 4 months has thrown so much at us with little time to enjoy being together and newly married in March, which was also brought forward due to the cancer diagnosis. 

    sorry to rant on but hopefully it paints a bigger picture, also I’ve tried to get myself help and been turned down by several large charities due to my complexity. My partner also won’t let anyone else help hands on as they only want me to help and no one else, so pressure is on. 

    I just wish I had physical people to talk to, as I know online forums aren’t really my thing.

    i do however utterly appreciate your time to message back, time is valuable and I cannot thank you enough.


  • I feel like I know exactly what you mean.  It is impossible to do enough.  I hope you can access counselling to support you face to face or by telephone.  Macmillan offer counselling and I found it very helpful.  As a fellow empath, I understand your need to be everything and do everything. I am guilty of that myself and trying to find a way through after the latest traumatic health crisis for my partner.  You must (we must) avoid burnout by setting boundaries and making time for self-care as much as we can.  I became a husk of myself / a coping machine during the last hospital stay and that will be no good for my husband long term.  All of us in this situation, need support. I hope you find it.