Need to talk

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Need to talk.

My wife has stage 4 breast cancer, in breast, bones, lymph nodes and liver. She's been on hormone therapy for 3 months. Just had update scans. Breast got smaller but the rest got worse, so now she is going onto chemo.

My issue is she doesn't want to hear negative thoughts from me only positive. So who do I talk to? All I can think about is the negative stuff. Someone has to. We have 2 girls, 8 & 4. I have to face the possibility I may have to bring them up alone and I want to talk about it but she won't.

Anyone know of any phone help I can call just to talk?

  • Hi

    I found out on the 24th my husband has advanced prostrate cancer with spread to bones and nodes. I found myself calling the Samaritans for the first time in my life to cry and cry and just cry - this helped me. They just let me cry until I could cry no more - no judgement and it was great being offload in a way I can't with my family or husband.

    They also spoke very highly of Macmillan, so you could perhaps try there as well?

    Good luck

  • I'll look into it. Cheerz

  • My husband has advanced prostate and bone cancer I felt very alone like you and I called Macmillan who were brilliant and told me how to get in touch with a palliative care nurse and now district nurses, you do need to talk to someone. My best wishes to you.