Post radiotherapy malaise

  • 15 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My husband had a low grade prostate cancer treated ,ending last July 2023.

Given the “ in remission/ all clear in November,with the usual n6 monthly blood test follow ups.

unfortunately,he also has a “ floppy bladder “ and has to self catheterise . Nobody is certain if the are two separate  problems,or related to each other,   however,” it is what it is”, as the saying goes.

 I understand that there are many long term after effects from the treatment,as mentioned in the leaflets.

My husband is Not a patient man,and is getting very fed up of bring “ fed up”, down,depressed unmotivated, lethargic,etc,etc.

He flatly refuses to take up my subtle And direct suggestions to get in touch with the folks at MacMillan..

l have had a few conversations with them, but say they are unable to intervene on my behalf,presumably to do with data protection and patient confindentiality,etc?.

l am my wits end on how to help him,as well as keeping Myself “;in a good place” in my own head!

Has anyone any helpful suggestions,?

At the moment,  ,we are more or less living separate lives,as he doesn’t want to go out or Do anything,or Very rarely!

l know this might sound a bit selfish,but it is my 75th birthday soon,and we have nothing planned,as there is no point in me organising even a very small event if he is too unwell to attend.

  • Brilliant well done keep in touch darling always here if you need me and thank you for replying it's nice to have a friend suffering the same as me gives me the feeling I'm not on my own xxxxx

  • Hi, I have just joined here to find some sort of support and reading your comments in this thread has made me feel so much better. 
    My husband has also just finished 6 weeks of radiotherapy for throat cancer following the full laryngectomy he had in January of this year. After his surgery he recovered so quickly and was so driven and determined, so I expected the same following radiotherapy, silly me.
    He is a completely different man, exactly as you guys have described, not engaging in life in any way, no affection at all, no fight or drive to get better. I too am feeding him through a tube and managing his pain medication whilst working and looking after our four children, I’m totally exhausted but there’s no other option. I lost it with him this morning as it feels like he’s making no attempt to “help himself” and I then felt awful afterwards. All I’m asking is that he sorts his own meds or rests when he needs to but he seems to be fighting all the things he shouldn’t be fighting and none of the things he should. He doesn’t listen to nurses advice and guidance and is then grumpy with me when he feels rough. I am at my wits end and just don’t know where to turn. 

  • Hi darling, you will have your hands full for a few weeks yet. .not easy I know don't give up he will improve slowly, in alot of pain at the moment, more than you could invisage,not going to bounce back from this straight away I know,be nice to him take his bad moods and be strong only into my 4th week of post radiotherapy with my husband and showing signs of improvement it's a slow process. But be strong xxxxx

  • Hi Kerry 

    Sorry for late reply. Please don't give up hope. After writing my post within a week my hubby started to feel better and I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. We actually went out to a Bike  show and gecwas in good spirits. He removed his own NG tube and has started to eat a little more. Now today one week on, He's feeling poorly again and is asleep again after 12 hours last night. I've slept on the settee a few times as his snoring keeps me awake. 

    I think we have to accept that it's going to be a roller coaster but with each passing week there is a slight improvement. 

    I know it's tough and believe me i still get pissed off with his attitude sometimes. I hope at tge time of writing this he is staring to feel.a little better. 

    Easier said than done with four children, but try to make time for yourself. A bath a glass of wine or some favourite TV show all three if you can Rofl. Take care lots of love xxx

  • So well said...yes we're in this together Heart️ we can deal with this ladies...time for my bath and a glass of wine GrinGrinGrinGrinGrin