Post radiotherapy malaise

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  • 46 subscribers

My husband had a low grade prostate cancer treated ,ending last July 2023.

Given the “ in remission/ all clear in November,with the usual n6 monthly blood test follow ups.

unfortunately,he also has a “ floppy bladder “ and has to self catheterise . Nobody is certain if the are two separate  problems,or related to each other,   however,” it is what it is”, as the saying goes.

 I understand that there are many long term after effects from the treatment,as mentioned in the leaflets.

My husband is Not a patient man,and is getting very fed up of bring “ fed up”, down,depressed unmotivated, lethargic,etc,etc.

He flatly refuses to take up my subtle And direct suggestions to get in touch with the folks at MacMillan..

l have had a few conversations with them, but say they are unable to intervene on my behalf,presumably to do with data protection and patient confindentiality,etc?.

l am my wits end on how to help him,as well as keeping Myself “;in a good place” in my own head!

Has anyone any helpful suggestions,?

At the moment,  ,we are more or less living separate lives,as he doesn’t want to go out or Do anything,or Very rarely!

l know this might sound a bit selfish,but it is my 75th birthday soon,and we have nothing planned,as there is no point in me organising even a very small event if he is too unwell to attend.

  • I feel for you husband has just under gone 6 weeks of radiotherapy for throat cancer..our lives have been turned upside down,he, as your husband doesn't want to do or can't do anything its a horrible place to life is spent tube feeding and trying to work ,my social life is at a standstill its horrid to see the man you love go through so much pain,but we must be strong I feel my life is over and put a brave face on each day ,your not selfish,your his wife despite him being grumpy and horrible...keep in touch I am sure we are going through hell together Heart️ 

  • Thanks for reaching out to me!

  • we will do this darling  Heart️ 

  • HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart when you crumble I will be here for you and when I crumble I hope you will be there for me xxxxnight night lovely lady speak soon xxxxx

  • Thanks, and goodnight to you too 

  • Hi honey hope your OK my darling husband lost his feeding tube today from being sick!!!hoping to get a replacement tomorrow..but weekends are difficult no one around to helpThinkingThinkinghow's your lovely man today?hope he,s had a better day】and you also xxxxx

  • Hi Lindakaty your comments resonate with me so much as my husband has (2 weeks ago finished 6weeks of radiotherapy fir base of tongue/ throat cancer. I'm doing everything for him and his 12 year old daughter (she doesn't see her mother) our two dogs as working 2 days per week. He just sleeps or watches TV all day hardly speaks to me never hugs me. I told him how alone I felt his reaction was uncaring and I lost my shit with him he's now not speaking to me. I have two grown up children who support me and two gorgeous baby grandsons whom I don't see that much atm because of his illness. I also life is over and we were only married 6 weeks before cancer reared it's ugly head. I hmjyst can't see an end to this will he ever recover?? Xx 

  • Hi darling we can do this,you can do this,so difficult..I had ago at my husband!!!it's not easy to be nice all the time yes they sleep alot me a breakWinkWinkbut keep going please man has shown signs of improvement no more tube feeding at last ..can get out for a walk 3000 steps today the best he's done so get your man out for a short walk they feel better for it ...the hugs will follow ..mine have ,think men feel like they have let us down despite your short marriage we have been together over 30 years and he's not going to curl up and die with me by his side xxxxx

  • Thank you you have made me feel so much better. He hates tube feeding fortsips and just wants 'normal' food but struggles to eat it. I am going to try a walk tomorrow when the weather improves. I'm feeling more positive today gad a difficult weekend as didn't feel.too good myself. As you said I'm not going to let him curl.up.and die. Heart