Not sure what to do.

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My husband was diagnosed with a de differentiated sarcoma in his stomach a few weeks ago after having tests since last December. This is very aggressive and has spread. Was told palliative chemo but had to have heart test then wait another week to see Sarcoma team who agreed to chemo which should start in a fortnight. Since last Friday he's not moved out of the chair and has not eaten any solid food for about 2 weeks now and gone down to 1 meal replacement drink. He shouts at me if I say I'm going to call oncology. He called them for some advice on pain management they have him some morphine but that makes him sick and gives him hiccups so he won't take it. I've told him he needs to eat with it. I'm at the end of my tether just way hung him waste away. Should I go against his wishes a d phone out of hours number? If he doesn't pick up frightened they won't give him the chemo or the way he's going won't make it

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your husband and how difficult he is finding things and the consequent impact on you both. My wife has Leiomyosarcoma and she has had two different types of chemotherapy.

    When she is given oramorph she will retch - the doctors keep saying oh the anti-sickness drugs will take care of that - well they never have yet.

    Eating problems are really very common and besides a fever often a reason people might be admitted to hospital. I wonder for you for now if it might be helpful to talk to one one the staff on our helpline - I know how helpful they have been to me in the past - just ring 0808 808 0000 anytime between 8am and 8pm.



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  • Thank you I called oncologist this morning and they have admitted him and they are going to try different combinations of meds to find which suit best so he's at optimum for the chemo. He wasn't too happy me calling but he did go willingly and he's still talking to me and admitted he should have gone days ago. It's a horrible disease and none of us know how we'd react. They've kept him in oramorph at the moment but have an alternative.

  • Hi

    Unfortunately I am in the same place as you with my cousin who is terminal from just 5 weeks ago when she was admitted with blood clots on her lungs and in her legs. They had come out of the blue and then came the devastating news that she has stomach cancer so has been in hospital for the past 5 weeks. The sickness in the first almost four weeks was horrendous but anti sickness was given through drips as are all her medications because she hasn't eaten anything since the first week due to being sick constantly.  Now the sickness is more under control and just sick once a day, usually in the evening.  

    Please don't feel guilty about calling, this is as much about you as it is about your husband and right now hospital is where he needs to be. I visit my cousin most days and she allows me to ask questions of the palliative care team and also of the many doctors caring for her which makes life easier. She is too poorly and too ill for treatment so we are doing the best we can. She is starting to try to eat simple things now which is good as her confidence is growing with the ability to keep things down so hopefully your husband will start eating again soon too. 

    He really is in the best place because they can prescribe different things in hospital and rehydrate him etc, get on control of the sickness and hopefully get him ready for his chemotherapy.  

    Remember to look after yourself too and I wish you both all the best on your journey.  Being a carer can feel draining and isolated so well done for reaching out on here for support. I was supported on here in the past and it's invaluable. 

    Take care and try to keep positive. Sending you strength to get through the next stage of your journey and hope chemo will do it's job for you both.

    Best regards


  • Thank you for your response. It is such an horrendous disease and affects the carer as much as the patient. It is so sad to watch loved ones going through it. Hope your cousin managed to get the sickness under control. Take care and hope all goes well for all of us. My husband is now in hospital and hopefully they can get him rehydrated and ready for chemo.