Mum got diagnosed with SCLC (Small Cell Lung Cancer) Limited Stage

  • 4 replies
  • 41 subscribers

My mum just got her diagnosis for Small Cell Lung Cancer Limited Stage. Unfortunately she doesn't live in the UK and I am a freelancer. Just wondering if anyone had/is having similar experience. I suppose I'm feeling a bit shocked by the diagnosis which doesn't have much positive outcomes. I simply don't know how to combine supporting for her and make my living in another country. Would love to hear from people with similar experiences and how they managed. Thank you.

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your mum, I can see how things must be more difficult living in different countries - it was tricky enough living in different counties when my mum was ill.

    At Macmillan there is not a lot of information about cancer outside of the UK system but you might like to look at Living with cancer outside the UK forum 

    Generally it might be helpful to find out what form of support your mum might have where she lives, other than that hopefully your mum will keep you up to date with how she is going. 



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  • Thank you src60. I was wondering if you managed to organise care for your mum and whether it was possible at all? My understanding, patients of aggressive cancers need 24h care. 

  •  As my mum's illness developed she first went to needed just a couple of care visits a day, later she moved to a sheltered housing project where there was care on site 24 hrs with emergency coords in the flat. My dad however ended up in a worse state than her and ended up in a full service care home. 

    People can be affected very differently and it can be very much a matter of keeping track of things on a day to day basis. 



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  • I'm so sorry Steve. I can only imagine how hard it was for you. Thank you so much for sharing.