When cancer condemns the carer as well as the patient

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My elderly Mum was told last week she has cancer, which has already spread, after 4 months of constant, chronic pain (caused by an unrelated condition) and three admissions to different hospitals (none of which investigated her problems or diagnosed her properly until I started asking questions about her care).  I'm her only support and an only child.  I have no siblings, children or other family.  I work full time but on minimum wage and am looking after Mum as I live with her in our local authority owned home, which has been our home for over 40 years.  We lost my dad to cancer some years ago and the council will not add me to the tenancy as they say removing my father's name classes as the only occasion where the tenancy can be "handed down" - i.e. to my mother, yet she was a joint tenant with him from the start.  I now face losing my Mum (I'm not daft, I realise that the cancer has spread and we have already been told surgery will not be an option for her so I know now that the clock is ticking).  As the house is in Mum's name, when anything happens to her, I will also lose my home - the only thing that I will have left that I hold dear.  Mum is the only reason I am still here.  When she has gone, which will be in itself the most distressing thing I will ever have to deal with, I will be left, literally,  with nothing.  My age and income prevent me from renting privately or getting a mortgage.  Mum's cancer has effectively not only condemned her, but me as well.  I actually wish I could develop the wretched disease as well so that I know my future will not be something I need to worry about.  I have already decided that should I become incapacitated in any way, I do not want any treatment which would save or prolong my life and have signed an ADRT.  If I am told in the near future that I have any sort of medical condition which requires treatment, I will refuse it.  I cannot even now enjoy whatever time I have left with Mum because my future situation (and I do not intend to sound selfish in anyway) and the fact I will be completely alone after, hangs over me like a toxic cloud. My life effectively ends when hers does.  

  • I’m so sorry to hear you are going through all this. I’m sure nothing I say will help but maybe knowing that someone is listening might. Thinking of you and your mum

  • I'm so sorry, KH123. Please do talk to someone about how you are feeling and your worries about the future - your GP, social worker if you have one, Citizens' Advice Bureau or the LA housing department. You're in a difficult and worrying situation with your mum and feeling scared about the future will make it so much more difficult to cope. I hope you can get some support that will.put your mind at rest and help you to cope. x

  • Unfortunately, I've already tried all of your suggestions, to no avail. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and there's absolutely no solution.

  • Hi   would you like to message me. I am a social worker for a local authority. I might be able to help you. My dad has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and we have just put my brother on his tenancy 


  • I am so sorry; I hope you can access some help with this. My sister is at stage 4 and is in a housing association home with her 2 daughters 21 and 17.  HA will not pass on tenancy to 21 yr old, they do not pass down tenancies. They will be evicted when my sister dies The current home is not really practical as it is on 3 floors , ground is garage and utility, main living space on 1st floor and she is struggling with the stairs already. .  Local council have been useless, telling my very sick sister to try to arrange a transfer/bid for properties when she is in no state mentally of physically to do so. She is/they are  appaprently only eligible for 2 bedroomed properties- so far,  only very unsuitable high rise flats plauged with anti social behaviour and criminal activity.  Even worse, this might all have been avoided had her gynaecologist not repeatedly dismissed her and delayed diagnosis for 12 + months at which point it was stage 4.!  If anyone has any advice I would be so grateful. Wishing you all well on this fraught journey xxx 

  • Not the same but my partner is on the morgage as I have very low wage and now bank I can't be put non the morgage , my partner is going on  palliative he didn't have insurance (big mistske) as his friend was refused his wife's when died so he didn't belive in it, if my son can't get the morgage ill be left with nothing small pention maybe , I feel angry at the mess I'll be left with and slso get low wage , it's not selfish we have to still live and the added worry does not help