Given up

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers


My mum was told just before the new year that her cancer has spread into multiple organs including the throat, stomach and lymph nodes.

The consultant who delivered the news was very blunt and mum went from being determined and happy to utterly depressed. 

Since then she has had two lots of chemo in 2 days but is so weak its breaking my heart every time I see her each day.

I sat there crying yesterday as I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm watching the most important person in the world to me give up. How do I help her keep fighting? They say she needs to build her strength up but she just slept for all the time I was there 

I don't know what to do anymore and it's breaking my heart 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your mum, watching a loved one go through chemo can be very difficult though one thing I found a little bit helpful was when I managed to find out how much the treatment would cost if we had paid - kind of helps convince me there was some hope if they were spending that much to treat.

    Not knowing what to do as a carer is really common - I know I broke before I reached out for any help but perhaps at times the best we can do is roll with the punches.

    When you say she needs to build her strength up was there any suggestion what that might involve?

    One thing I know I forgot was the looking after me bit. Then I found Maggies and Macmillan and others in a similar situation to me and then sense of being connected and not being alone I know has helped. I know too that some days I need a lot of help.



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