Dealing with denial

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My husband has 3 aggressive brain tumors that were discovered two weeks before Christmas. I was told there was nothing they could do and they sent us home. 3 months previousl to this we were told he had had a stroke. I now believe this to be a misdiagnosis, as his symptoms got worse. Until he fell and was rushed to hospital where after an mri they discovered the tumors. I was told there was nothing they could do, not even a biopsy as it was too dangerous, I was told to go home and have a good Christmas, I was told he had 1,2 months 3 at the most. So we went home. Suddenly hospital beds, commodes, chair cushions etc started arriving! He has not used any of them! 

They put my husband on 8 steroids a day and this made a huge difference, no stroke symptoms! He could speak ok and walk better and eat better....but I was told to reduce them, I refused to as it was over Christmas and I wanted him to have a lovely Christmas. 

So now we have reduced them, speech, confusion, blurred vision, mobility, fatigue are all back. I can cope with all of them, what I cant cope with is that for whatever reason he doesn't except he's ill, still thinks its a stroke. Why he thinks we have a palliative nurse, or that he's had loads of visitors, or why I'm off work is strange. But he does get so confused. So I'm caring for my husband, and he doesn't no why! Has anyone else dealt with this? Xx

  • Hi Ellie-B welcome to the forum and I am so very sorry to hear about what is and has happened for you both. Im not sure why that got missed as you think it has, my query is does it really matter if he doesnt accept that he is ill, what difference will it really make at the end of the day. He seems ok with what is going on and as you say you are coping so making him understand may not be possible given that things are advanced, as you say and that he is confused on occasions.  Id be tempted not to argue to get him to understand but as long as he is ok and his thoughts are not distressing him. just tell him that you love him so much and you want to spend time with him.  


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  • I'm so sorry to hear about your husband.

    I'm in a similar situation with my dad in terms of denial, facing the truth. Long story short, he has terminal bowel cancer but doesn't realise how serious it is, we've been playing along cos we don't want to distress him. A relative came round recently and reminded him of the truth (it's spreading, doesn't have much time left), my dad got so upset and I had to make the "unethical" decision to rephrase what the relative said eg. "that relative doesn't know the full picture, you'll be ok, take it a day at a time, relax, enjoy life, yeah you have cancer but it's fine cos you're ok now" I know the doctor won't be pleased with me cos the patient should know the real truth. I have to skirt around topics relating to death, his final wishes and what he wants to do cos he has limited time. I have to ask all of this in an indirect way but I do reluctantly get answers. At least I know what he thinks and it hasn't upset him too much. 

    I do feel really guiltily about this, still not sure if this is the right thing to do but I've seen how knowing the truth can affect my dad's moods. I'm scared that if I insist on him knowing the real truth, he'll be so stressed out and constantly worried. I don't want to upset him. 

    Good luck with everything. . 

  • This resonates with me because my husband knows only too well ‘the truth’. Bowel cancer with Mets to lungs and lymphs. Chemo stopped 3 weeks ago and now a mobile palliative care team.  He knows he’s dying. He’s ready to go. We have a difficult relationship, so it feels a bit wrong posting on here where so many people are potentially losing their soul mates and beloved partners. We have been together for 40 years. We don’t like each other anymore. I would possibly have left just before diagnosis, but now can’t. Impossible to navigate.

  • That sounds so hard, it is so easy to get angry with them. Especially if your feelings arnt what they were at the beginning of your relationship. Stay strong xx

  • Hello. It is hard when you don't want to upset them. I know that guilt feeling. 

    Stay strong xx