I stupidly thought we could plan things this year

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

In 2022 both my brother and sister were diagnosed with bowel cancer within weeks of each other.  We have all rallied round as a family to support each other and after both had major surgery and chemo my brother and sister were doing well and stupidly I thought the worst was behind us.

Sadly following a routine scan my sister has been told the cancer is back not sure yet what the prognosis is but I am struggling to find the strength to deal with this again.  Then I feel guilty as I'm not the one with cancer and how do I support her son when inside I am crumbling.

We have booked things this year already as she has a significant birthday I'm in absolute pieces.  

  • Hi  

    When my wife was diagnosed with cancer she was very clear see did not want a prognosis and I really struggled with that. However it is worth noting that a prognosis can only ever be a guess based on averages and perhaps more challenging on treatments from 5 to 10 years ago. It can be worth having a discussion about what a prognosis would gain anyone but of course the only person who can actually make the decision is your sister.

    If we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know I see a lot of what I went through. I ended up doing a living with less stress course and part of that helped me feel more comfortable with booking things in the future - we have had one of two we missed but a great many adventures have come off.

    As for her son we have some really good information in talking to children and teenagers, sometimes just knowing there is someone they can talk to is helpful. We were lucky in my son's school was very supportive of us as a family.

    Do post whenever and remember we are all here because together we help each other, it is hard but we can be stronger than we ever thought possible.



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  • Hi Steve thanks for your response as you can imagine the last few days have been very emotional.  I went with my sister yesterday to the hospital and heard it is not curable which we are still trying to process as things had been so positive up till now.

    We are all devastated and it was heartbreaking talking to her son.  How we deal with this I don't know as yet but one thing I did say is we need to look at what other help and support is out there so thank you for your pointers.  Like you we agreed to still try and do those things even if it takes a bit more planning or adjustments.  

    Thank you again for reaching out sadly I think I will be on here more in the future.
