New to group, here to offer some hope

  • 3 replies
  • 46 subscribers

MY husband was diagnosed with Lung and brain mets in March 21, had previously had breast cancer in 2003. 

Found out in September 23 it had spread to his liver. 

I know this all sounds desperate, but for most of the last 3 years he has been quite well. Had one chest I section in Dec 22 but not hospitalised. 

He was treated with Whole brain radiotherapy and now has 2 weeks of oral chemo followed by 1 week off.

We have managed 2 holidays abroad and a few weekends away. We regularly go out with family and friends. 

I'm posting this to offer some hope to everybody who has had a recent diagnosis and feeling down. 

I wouldn't pretend that everything is always hunky dory but we have tried to make the best of a bad situation. WE live from scan to scan result and then make plans before the next set of scans kick in 

  • Hi  

    Thanks for sharing, you sound like you are managing very well.



    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks, we just try to plan little trips or days out as it helps us forget for a while. 

  • Hello, 

    im glad to hear all has been as well as can be and hope things are still the same. 

    My dad (68) has just been diagnosed after a routine Brain MRI that he has brain mets and after a full body CT it’s confirmed a lung primary. Current staging T2,N2,M1. 
    im just wondering if your husband had a lung biopsy? If so did they confirm what kind of cancer it was? Is this what determined if they can offer treatment (eg his radiotherapy?) 

    we only found out over the weekend and was rushed to A&E after his MRI due to swelling on his brain and that’s where the diagnosis was given and since then I’ve been absolutely devastated and obviosily thinking the worst and after numerous googling seeing prognosis of roughly 3 months …. So now seeing your husband has lived years with it gives me some glimpse of hope and wondering if any of your husbands diagnosis was similar to my dads? 

    thanks so much