Young career and I’m struggling to watch my mum everyday

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Hi, I’m 18 and about 4 month ago was informed by my father and sister that my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. They have known for over a year now and unfortunately my mum has decided not to take treatment. She doesn’t trust medications as she has been let down before so she is incredibly paranoid going into treatment. My father and sister have been struggling for a very long time and it is had  quite a toll on them in terms of they are emotionally and physically tired of trying to convince my mother. My mum usually does a run where she agrees she’s getting treatment 2-3 days to the appointment she admits herself in to AE For something completely different trying to miss her appointment. She’s done it once since I’ve known to. 

She’s due to go the the chemotherapy appointment in 2 days and she’s already asking to go to A&E for her arm as it’s swollen so much to the point where she cannot walk properly, use her left arm. I am the oldest daughter at home and I have had to take on the role completely of being the ‘mother’ and also help my mum with essentials such as bathing, cooking her food , medication administration, travelling , putting on clothes and more. I love my mum so much and I am happy I can be here for her. My older sibling and father have completely washed their hand with my mums case because they are tired. But I can tj follow as I know my mum is scared of chemo and it’s hard walking down stairs at knight and hearing my mothers tears. I am forced to be the strong one in this family and basically make sure eveyones ok but I’m scared. This appointment in 2 days is my mums last chance of reversing her cancer. She says she’s going in but with her last attendance she doesn’t have a good record. It’s so hard because I know she’s scared. it is so overwhelming with university and I’m kinda stuck in a lot of dilemmas here

1) how do I manage my stress of taking on the career role of my mother and my fears that I’m soon going to lose her

2)how do I reassure my mother about chemotherapy 

3) how do I stay strong as I feel there is nobody I can truly talk to because I don’t want to be a pity party and make eveyone sad. 

im truly struggling to sleep and I have university but every time I try to attempt to do my work my emotions become unbearable and I’m crying everywhere and it hurts. My heart hurts that my mum doesn’t want treatment but then she says she does then backs out last minute.

I don’t know how to feel 

im scared 

I Love my mum 

I need my mum 

I want her to know how much I need her it’s hard staying into the same room as her within 5 minutes I’m tearing up and exiting the room because my younger siblings don’t know 

(apologies for bad English I’m writing this in the dark on the floor in my mums room) 

  • I am so sorry for the situation you are in x My daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumour 4 yrs ago and now my dad has been diagnosed with one at NYE. I tell you this only to give context to my answer.

    I could write pages but the headlines are to tell university straight away if you haven't already,  they can't support you if they don't know. Contact your GP so they know as well. 

    It might be useful to let your siblings school know but really that is a dad job. I'm not clear if he is still living with you. 

    I saw a counsellor and they said to have a list of people you could talk to,  a written list. Then when you are having a bad day you can look at the list and pick a person instead of convincing yourself there is no one, it also means you can share the burden around if you are worried about 'boring people' with your problem.

    It is very scary. Everything everyone says about looking after you is true but there are times when that's impossible.  Having someone to talk to for you is really important ithink.

    You can't be responsible for the choices your mum makes, no matter how hard that is for you.  X

  • Did your mum manage to go to her treatment? How are you?

  • Hi, 

    yes my mother decided to go forth with treatment and is feeling more at ease already. Unfortunately she has an infection which isn’t the best of cases but that is being sorted out asap. For me I’m doing ok just still aiding my mother which is now scheduled and I asked for an extension on my university coursework.  I was granted it so I’m working my hardest on that. overall we are heading towards the right direction and we just hope all goes well for my mum x 

    thank you for asking, hope all is well with you Heart