Prognosis 3-6months

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  • 46 subscribers

My lovely beautiful mum got all treatment stopped and a prognosis given yesterday 3-6months. I knew it was coming but I am just beside myself. My mum, my person, the one person who has never let me down, been by my side always.

She's so kind and has a heart of gold, I don't understand why her. I am so scared to loose her. 

I woke up this morning hoping the last 6months never happened and I just feel so numb.

We already knew this Christmas would likely be our last but now we know it definitely will be, she is starting to get weaker again and this time they won't be pumping her body with medication to get her well again will they?

We have to make it the most special Christmas ever but my mum doesn't really get out of bed (bar to the toilet) or leave the house unless for a hosp appointment, so we will play it day by day.

Not even sure what happens now, consultant has discharged her from his team. She still doesn't get the nurses in I am doing it all but I want to start being more of her daughter again now and not her carer first. Do St barnabas/macmillan get in touch with us?

Thank you 


  • So sorry to hear that. My husband (got married in hospital yesterday) doesn't have long, weeks prob. He is being moved to a hospice today. It is hard and sometimes a wave of sadness comes over me. Sending you big hugs and hope you get the support for both of you that you need. X

  • Oh I'm so, so sorry to hear this. We are in a similar situation with my darling Dad. We are taking it one day at a's all we can do. 

    My Dad was diagnosed 8 weeks ago, no treatment or surgery as he's too unwell, very frail and just couldn't take it. We felt completely lost. Sent home to get on with it. After making calls and being passed around it would appear your 1st port of call is with your Mum's GP. Any care/carers are arranged by the GP. We were told my Dad is now registered for palliative care&wrongly assumed this meant Macmillan would become involved. This is not the case. 

    It actually took a hospital stay for him to be referred to Adult social services who arranged a care package for him&my Mum. It maybe worth you contacting your Mum's GP & your Mum's local Adult Social services for an assessment. Hopefully, the GP can push for the assessment sooner rather than later. 

    It may also be worth contacting Marie Curie....

    Good luck in getting the help you and your Mum so desperately deserve. 

    Thinking of you both. 

    Also, it's really important you share how you're feeling with friends&family. Don't try to do it all yourself. 

    Take care. Xx

  • Thank you  that's good to know.

    Sending love and strength your way x

  • So sorry to read this, sending love to you. 

    Thank you x

  • I’m so sorry to hear this, sending you the abundance of love and strength ,to help you through .

    I,m almost certain your mums surgery will be In touch with her care plan x
