On a trolley in hospital corridor do far 12hours

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So my mum has stage 4 lung cancer we not having any more chemo or immunotherapy as she only managed 1 cycle and we been in d out hospital 5 times since 8th September 

Today marks hospital a&e visit number 6 we were brought by ambulance at 945am this morning since then we have been in a hospital corridor on a trolley ..........

Mum has another infection we were only discharged home into community care on 24th November 

It's a joke we waited 7hrs for gp to do a home visit even though they aware of her condition 

I just feel so let down by the system my mum is struggling to breathe we have had blood tests done an egg done all on the corridor tell me where's the dignity??????

In bed less than 6ft away is a woman who has schizophrenia and won't keep still or quiet and all I wanna do is say yo be quiet 

Mum has no immune system and an infection risk but try telling hospital that 

I just want mum to be looked after fed up being failed by NHS

Been told no guarantee ct scan be tomorrow 

Feeling so frustrated angry and I turn and see my mum lying on a trolley in a corridor ........ITS SO WRONG 

  • Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your mum, and how poor the NHS service has been, it really shouldn't be this way when we have enough to deal with and manage. I pray for better treatment and action. Not good at all  

  • I would contact PALS (Google contact details or call the hospital reception) and your oncology consultant to complain about your mum's treatment. 

  • So after being on a corridor I asked if I could take mum home so she be comfortable at home and I was advised no she needed ti stay as a ct scan was needed 

    We were moved into a room still in a&e it was shocking mums normal meds not given as told not prescribed by docs  we asked for the liquid morphine 3hrs later still not given and nurse said she not on liquid I said she is and has been live July and the diagnosis  and was offered iv paracetamol 

    No scan Thurs and mum told her Sat's were improving and she be discharged Friday 1pm 

    So come 530 mum still waiting for weds then advised she be invited as an outpatient for the ct scan as no scan slots were available .........even though docs said she more than likely has a blood clip on top of the infection and pneumonia 

    Just words fail me the NHS I understand is stretched but I did expect a better experience 

    Mum has said she won't be going back no matter what 

    I know cancer is normal nowadays but wow our experiences in 6 hospital stays seem to got worse each time 

    I'm devastated my mum is poorly and slowly slipping away and I just want her to have the stress free journey on this but I guess not 

    Sorry being negative and moaning xxx

  • I think the NHS has reached breaking point.  My husband has bile duct cancer and has not been eating or drinking much for the past few weeks.  He's been itching and getting cold and doing nothing but sleeping.  Called Macmillan on Thursday and was helped by a very nice nurse who said she would get the doctor to visit on Friday.  Friday morning we get a message from the nurse saying did I know the doctor had prescribed anti-sickness - we had no contact from the surgery at all so I asked does this mean we won't be getting a visit. Anyway long story short eventually and grudgingly the doctor turned up and basically said well he's got bile duct cancer and his liver is giving up - no empathy or understanding. Said wouldn't prescribe anything for the itching until he had blood tests done.  That of course was beneath this particular doctor.  Nurse came later couldn't get any blood due to dehydration and so when we spoke to the surgery again we were told (by the receptionist as the doctor wouldn't speak to us) that I would have to take him to A&E.  I'm 70 and we have no children so was then told call an ambulance - this is 6.30 on Friday night - no way I am taking him to a&e to wait 24-48 hours just for blood test.  Anyway on a positive another nurse came today and managed to get the blood.  Sorry for the rant but wanted to let you know you are not on your own with the shit treatment so of us are receiving from this very broken service.