Looking for support

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I am currently struggling. My mum has stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma, we are currently going through a really bumpy ride. My mum got her stage 4 diagnosis end of july before her 50th birthday. She previously had stage 3. She was given months without treatment. She started treatment and had 2 rounds of the intense chemotherapy, 2 weeks after the second round my mum became seriously ill with Pneumonia, PCP and Neurtopenic Sepsis, we almost lost her twice. I slept by her side for 2 1/2 weeks, she was the miracle on the ward. 48 hours after being discharged she fell at home and broke her hip (her bones are of an 80 year old) she got rushed to another hospital and her care there was disgusting, currently in the process of writing a massive complaint, it was so bad my mum has discharged herself after they refused to transfer her to another hospital as she had a possible chest infection (she was discharged from orthopedics side of things). Trying to get help for my mum is proving difficult and now her Dr Surgery is now saying she has to find another surgery because shes moved 10 mins further down the road. I don't know what to do. I feel guilty, I work full time doing 10 hour shifts at a time, and have to do overtime so I have back up for when it gets bad again. My mums mental health has declined even further. We're not sure if they will resume treatment or not but if they do will my mum just get ill again and her quality of life? While this is all happening, my auntie (my mums sister) has stage 4 lung cancer and today we got told shes gone downhill, they are treating her as best they can but her breathing has got really bad. I'm trying my hardest at being strong and being there for mum, trying every road to go down, is there anything you think will help? Or anyway I can make her more comfortable? She is in a lot of pain at the moment.

  • Hi…just to say we’re here 

    being a carer is so hard, we’re afraid, emotionally drained and people say …look after yourself…make some time for yourself etc etc etc …if only we had the time 

    everytime, in the early days, I made a little time for myself I came home and my hubby would be on the floor , I had to grab our angel of a neighbour to pick him up for me ..it was horrendous and I was living on my nerves …it’s been a long 2.5 years

    hubby still has good and bad days, his mobility is returning and like yourself it’s been one thing after another, as soon as we see a bit of light something else pops up …there’s a lot to be said about …ONE DAY AT A TIME

    im not sure if I can help , but there is help out there , my hubby is extremely stubborn and wouldn’t let me apply for any aids etc…do not go down that path…claim everything that you can that will help with your mums care …start with DWP , ask for advice , there’s carers allowance and what was once called PIP, for your mum , being a cancer patient is automatic , but ask a nurse to help you to fill in the forms , this is ESSENTIAL

    your local council can also put you in touch with the company’s that supply aids …I’m sure someone on here will be able to point you in the right direction , I’m just sorry that I can’t be more helpful 

    take care , we’re all in this together xxx