scared to show im sacred

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi  everyone  - i  posted on a few threads  but incase  im reds  I'm 44 and  im an only child my beautiful strong amazing mum was  diagnosed back in july with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer  she has a 5cm tumour in upper right lung and the  cancer has also  took up residence in her  lymph nodes  in all her chest  so surgery wasn't an option . Mum managed her pain with  morphine and  pain patches then we  had combined chemo and immuno  treatment back on 8th Sept and since then  we had 5 hospital stays  with  various infections in and out of A&E with no real answers..................  our family is so small  there's my  nanna who up until recently  lived with my mum she is 91  bed ridden and has dementia mum was her  full time carer  but then  we discovered mum was ill so nanna is now in a nursing home which has been hard  in itself  then there's mum  me and my 20 yr old daughter  my dad isn't around and i have  no siblings  just  my partner who has  been a rock  -  i don't  know how to explain but  i been on auto pilot  just gong through the motions  hospital  appointments  numerous trips in ambulances  medications battles with doctors over mums needs  inside i want to scream feel like I'm in  sinking sand  and its getting harder even though i know that this is just the beginning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  i have a stone  poker face and  I'm just  sorting everything  visiting  mum  making sure  everything is as ok as possible and seeing  other  family members  family friends etc  it looks like i got my stuff together  and they keep saying im  managing -   but deep down I'm not i so scared i have been a team  with me and mum all my life and to see her  in pain suffering and i cant take it away killing me inside  - i  am the person my partner says  i put things  away in boxes and don't tell people how i feel  and  let  them in and i cant help it it just way i am  my mum has  been my queen my  rock all my  life and i  cant imagine  that  changing  - ive become the parent looking after mum just feel so guilty that i feel like this when its mum going through the physical and  emotional pain                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is this normal ?  i just  want  my mum to be  my  mum out pain etc and i know she  wont be  we have no secrets we talk about everything and even difficult conversations we share but im so so scared that if i let anyone see I'm scared  it all crumble around me  and mum cant see that  -  would  love to hear from  anone who knows what i mean  apologies for moaning  when  i know  peoples lives are  so challenging and  hard  right  now   many thanks  xxx

  • Hi  

    I went through all sorts of things with my wife before I reached out for help. The classic of just rolling with the punches and keep going until I broke. I walked in to my local Maggies and basically cried for most of an hour as I sobbed out my story.

    They helped me realise something had to give, I got support from my GP and had a break from work that helped to nudge me back.

    We had to learn a new normal - we have been living with cancer now for over 10 years. If we look at your feelings when someone has cancer we see denial is very common.

    Really don't see you as moaning though - just like the rest of having a bit of a struggle in what many would think an impossible situation - yet somehow we cope.



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  • My mum …she’s been an angel longer than I had her on earth …yet I still talk to her every day , like you we shared everything …I’m crying now just thinking about her, yet I was so so lucky to have my mum …my mum will never leave me…she told me this a little girl , I was 33 when she died, I’m now 67 …but, when things go wrong or if I need her to help me…things come up trumps 

    your mum will never leave you …I’m sending you a hug xxx