Needing some advice

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi first time joining this group, I need some advice. A brief update, my mum has recently been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer She's been in hospital for the last few months, with stomach problems. So they fitted a stent in her stomach. She was back in the hospital last week and came in as an emergency after coming home for only a few days. They fitted another stent in. They’re looking into a plan of sending her home possibly in a couple of days. 
My question is I've been asked by my Dad to be a carer for my mum. I'm told she would need to get either mobility or attendance allowance for me to claim carer's allowance. I'm a little confused with it all, I'm okay filling out the form I've also been informed that it'll take weeks to sort either claim out. I need to be at home with her to keep an eye on her as she was left bedbound after being in hospital for weeks. I'm worried that If it'll take weeks, the job centre will pressure me to attend any courses or anything as I'm on Uni Credit. I have been coming to the hospital, visiting Mum during visiting hours to keep her company as she doesn't like being on her own. Should I apply for them both? Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

  • Hi, 

    Yes apply, I'm 42 and I'm a carer for my mum and dad. Mum has terminal cancer ( brain tumour) I claim carers allowance and they both claim attendance allowance. You should be able to stay on universal credit and claim carers once you have applied for your mum. The forms are online and you can print they and fill them out, but if your mums been asigned a Macmillan nurse they can sort this all for you. The job center will leave you alone as you will be a full time carer. I hope I've explained this ok. It's all done quite quickly. I hope I've helped and not confused you further. Sending a hug Lolly x

  • Hi Flowergirl, 
    Thanks for the advice, sorry to hear about your mum. I'll print those forms out and try to get her the attendance allowance. As my parents are on the state pension. 
    My mind has been in a panic and confusion mode with Mum back in hospital. Hopefully to be discharged today. 
    On my universal credit online I recently updated my circumstances, I was seeing a male work coach who advised me a little bit about attendance allowance and said I don't need to come in anymore. Then after I updated my circumstances they emailed me to sign the work commitments, was worried I wouldn't get paid if I didn't sign it, but now I'm back at the job centre seeing another work coach lady last week and explained everything and wants to see me again later this week, for me to update my CV and update her about those forms. I feel I shouldn't have signed the commitments. Was also worried about filling out the forms, didn't know how long it'll take to process and we don't know Mum's prognosis, we haven't been told how long she has and since she's been in the hospital all these weeks she hasn't been able to walk as she had a catheter in quite a long time and is currently bed-bound.

    We briefly spoke to a Macmillan nurse when she saw Mum in the hospital a few weeks ago, I haven't properly spoken to her, only gave us a card to contact them. Sending a big hug to you too xx