
  • 4 replies
  • 47 subscribers


I am grateful I've found this community but sad we are all going through this. 

My dad was diagnosed 4 weeks ago, he was told chemotherapy but has declined so much while waiting for his appointment they've said he now wouldn't tolerate chemotherapy and he's home with us and being organised EOL palliative care. I am beyond distraught at how fast his decline has happened and really struggling to process what is happening. He went from rolling around playing with my niece in the soft play to being unable to walk, talk and eat in the space of 6 weeks. I feel like I'm being robbed of my dad and me, mum and my brother thrown into a world of end of life care and cancer so suddenly. Were all very overwhelmed. I would really appreciate any guidance, or words of wisdom, or what to do with this time? Things to think about to make his life easier, anything anyone wish they'd known, or wish they'd done. Literally anything. 

Thank you so much 

  • Im.so sorry you have had this news. I think take it moment to moment. Take care 

  • I am so sorry that you are all having to go through this.  I can't advise much as I am going through similar but just letting him know you are there seems to help my husband.  Oh and be very kind to yourself cos you will probably feel very emotional at times.  Writing in these groups can also help.  Sending virtual hugs


  • Hope you can stay strong.  You are doing the best you can do

  • Hi  

    When my parents were becoming more and more ill my sisters spent a lot of time sitting and talking with them. Looking through old photograph albums, talking about their childhood and how the met - we learnt so much about their amazing life and how far they came - it made us so proud of how much they had achieved - you know those people who were just mum and dad. Those stories are priceless and helped to form the people we are now and the love they invested in us.



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