Husband has terminal cancer

  • 14 replies
  • 52 subscribers

I’m sat here wanting to talk to someone but don’t know who I can express my feelings to

so I thought join the cancer forum maybe someone else can identify with how I am feeling 

I’m scared

My husband has advanced prostrate cancer having already spread to his bones by the time he was diagnosed nearly 2years ago all available treatments have now finished and he is on palliative care

He struggles with mobility and it has through treatment we’re told meant he has cataracts and can’t see too well 

the last few weeks have seen him suffering nausea/vomiting on an almost daily basis he eats very very little and is beginning to say more and more that he can’t be bothered 

he forgets things and struggles to bring words to mind at times 

he’s tired and sleeps a lot 

all standard I know but scaring me none the less 

I keep thinking how long can he go on like this which makes me feel guilty 

he even now insists he will improve from this and is in complete denial 

he always says he’s fine when anyone asks and exaggerates his capabilities and activities 

I find this so frustrating to listen to but I never contradict him as I’m scared of upsetting him how stupid does that sound 

I feel so lonely although my family and friends are great and try to be supportive 

I feel so guilty that I think he’s nearing the end am I wishing that on him is it happening or is it me seeing deterioration and thinking it as according to him he’s got years 

what will the next few weeks or months bring 

as you can tell if you’ve got this far I’m confused/scared and guilty 

hard to put into words 

please tell me I’m not the only one with these jumbled feelings 


  • Similar to me my partner of 26 years has stage 4 with mets in bones , on treatment to stablize but know that will finish , he also tells people he's managing but we're not managing , I'm also greiving my old life , I'm tired as his carer and also looking after my parents as they've become unwell , it's to much my heath also has deterioted I'm in pain every day he doesn't understand,  I feel for you I feel I really do 

  • Stay strong, some days are so bad you think you will never get through but then sometimes that lifts and it’s a little easier. I hope that is the same for you can take some time out for yourself. Xx

  • Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to write something in reply to my post

    i have taken comfort from people who are able to fully understand my emotions without me having to try and put it into words 

    today is a bad day we all have them I know but when it is in this situation everything is magnified so I have read through all the supportive messages and it helps to know I’m not alone 

    lots of us are going through this terrible journey and we are all doing the best we can to get through 

    that’s all we can do but I thank you all again for your support in reminding me of that x

  • Here anytime you need to talk. This is such a supportive space, filled with people who are all walking in our shoes.