Double Whammy

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers

Hi I am new here and after reading some of your posts I think you are all amazing!

I have looked after my Mam and Dad since they moved in with me in 2012 when Dad was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and my mother with Alzheimer's.  My Dad died at home four years ago but mother at 93 is still plodding on in her own world. Unfortunately she has now been diagnosed with breast cancer which in agreement with the doctor is not going to be treat as Mam would not cope.

It has left me shell shocked and I seem to have to keep fighting tears each day.  I had an idea of what her future entailed with the dementia but now I have no idea and don't know what I will have to deal with as her only child and full time carer. My husband is wonderful and supports me well but he cannot do anything for Mam and the rest of the family do not live near to us.

I only hope I have the ability to see this through to the end.

  • Hello DBT

    I am so sorry to find you here and fully understand how you feel. Being a carer is a full time job and then having to care for your Mam and Husband is even harder work. Your mother has done really well to get to the ripe age of 93 - you must be so proud. of her.

    I wish you well and you are doing an amazing job.

    By me responding to your post it should "bump" it back to the top of the list and I hope you do get some further replies.

    If I can be of any further help please get back to me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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