Not allowed to be at mums treatment

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Mum is due to start Folfirinox next week and I have been told I am not allowed to stay with her.

She is 76, she was referred for onset dementia early this year, has hearing problems which we are trying to get a hearing aid for. Unfortunately, she had an appointment for this in May which we were away for and a re-booking in August which again we were away for. 

She cannot hear what people are saying, she forgets very easily and also goes in to a panic mode where she can't take information in. I have to take all information for her and relay it in different ways to try and help her understand. I have to repeat information constantly and in different ways depending on how she is each day.

I explained this on the call but they said since COVID they are not allowing anyone to accompany patents. I am so anxious about her going there alone.

Later in the day after telling her I can't be with her she started to talk about not having treatment at all.

I rang our care navigator yesterday to express my concerns and she is going to try and push to allow me to be with her for at least the first treatment. 

Has anyone else had this issue or is it just our hospital? 

  • They don't allow anyone in in my hosp either as a rule but they were more than happy to allow someone with me as I have mobility issues. Keep pushing them and I hope you get on OK. 

  • Our care navigator rang this morning and they have agreed to let me go to treatment with her

  • That's good, I was going to say I was allowed with my mums first appointment. Her second appointment is next week and I'm a little nervous to only leave it at the door as she had a bad allergic reaction last time and it was awful so I'm so anxious about this one. Hope it goes well and I am pleased you can go with her x