Partners Terminal and he's left me

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi, my partner of 10 years has possibly 6-8 weeks left after cancer spread to his lungs, multiple sites. It hasn't been easy as this has been going on for the last 2 years. I've done everything I can for him but it doesn't seem to be enough for. him. Last week he walked out and left me because in his words, I didn't show him enough affection and always had a dour expression and attitude. I'm at my wits end as I don't know which way to turn. He's shut me out from his treatments and end of life decisions. His sisters, who he hardly has contact with, are now his go to people. I feel like I've already lost him but will have to go through the same feelings when he does actually pass away. I don't even know if I'll see him at the end. He was so rude daily and downright nasty. I tried to ignore it but you can only take so much. If I answered him, I was looking for a fight. So we sat in silence. Sorry, this is all over the place, I haven't stopped crying and am hardly eating. Nobody at home to comfort me, I feel so alone. My eldest daughter passed away 4 years ago from cancer, it's literally like walking that road again. What can I do please? 

  • Hi  

    So sorry to read this - I have no direct experience here but have seen similar posts in my time on the site.

    I can only guess how it might feel to have lost a child to cancer but I do know of cases where that happened and then a subsequent illness brought all those feelings to the surface.

    From the point of view of your partner - he has support so lets look at you. You talk of eldest daughter so I assume you have more than one child. How are they coping? 

    Wold it help you to speak to someone on the helpline here - it is a free call  - I know I have sobbed my heart out before to them and somehow it can feel quite helpful. If there is one near you Maggies provide a drop in - just turn up and see someone in real life was very helpful to me.



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  • Hi Steve, thank you for your reply. I have a son but he lives about an hour away from me. We speak on the phone but it's not the same as seeing him although he did come over today which was lovely. Unfortunately, him and my partner don't see eye to eye especially because of the way he's been treating me recently. I thought about phoning the helpline but found this forum first. I can't even begin to explain what it's like losing a child, it's on another level Cry