One of the worst days

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  • 44 subscribers

Took my mum to her first chemotherapy appointment today and all was going well until she had a severe allergic reaction to her second drug (paclitaxel I think it was) I honestly thought she was going to die, I've never been so scared in my life. Thankfully all the medical staff were amazing and when my mum came round she had no clue and thought she had just dropped off to sleep. 

I still feel a little In shock now hours later. Honestly feel my mums world (well all of ours) is ripping apart even more and there is always an issue every step of the way, from may when she fell ill there's always been something. 

We've got to wait now to see what the consultant wants to do but what scares me is she was only allowed someone with her today ss it was her first session and they only knew my mum was reacting bad because I screamed for help, so it worries me how long it would have been before they noticed, not knocking them as they were amazing and working their socks off bless them. 

Just needed to get this info off my chest before going to bed xx

  • hi  

    It is often the way that the "patient" almost thinks nothing is wrong while we carers see everything and it can be very distressing indeed.

    Even before my wife's cancer diagnosis she was knocked out by sepsis - watching her in a coma in intensive care was not easy especially when then consultant said to be it was 50/50.

    Now waiting to find out next step can be really worrying but perhaps if some more/different chemotherapy is on the cards you can talk to the team and get in to the unit again - it seems you were helpful this time so why not.

    We are lucky in Oxford to have a very recent unit and so there is quite a lot of space, having a friend with the patient seemed fairly normal, though for my wife of course that was pre covid however even then infection was always a fairly high priority. 



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  •   thank you for your reply. Gosh yes I bet that was awful to witness and very scary. 

    Yes I will speak to them and let them know my concerns, I haven't slept well since wed as I can't get the Image out my head of what I saw. 

    It's all so much hard work, even more so seeing our loved ones so so poorly.

    Thanks x