Said the wrong thing

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  • 44 subscribers

I feel like a right b***h. My husband has been diagnosed with kidney cancer with secondaries and there is nothing they can do.

He gets dehydrated a lot and when he does he can become intimidating and paranoid that people are talking about him.

Every time this happens he goes into hospital and is put on a drip which at the beginning makes him even worse and he threatens the hospital staff. The next day once he starts getting rehydrated he can't remember anything.

I am worried that as the cancer progresses the dehydration will get worse and he will turn on me. 

He is in hospital at the moment and was talking with the doctor so the nurse asked what help I could do with at home and I mentioned that I could do with some advice on how to deal with him if he gets threating.

He is still a big man but has never hit me but I am worried that when confused he might. 

Straight away he said I have never hit you and I can't remember what I do when I'm I'll.  He told me to go and started crying and said that when he gets home he will pack his bags and leave.

I tried to explain to him that he can be scary when he gets like this but all I got was that's because I am dying.

I feel dreadful 

  • Hi  

    So sorry to read this, I think it might help you to talk to some professionals because if you are to be able to care for your husband you need to be safe.

    Perhaps I am misreading things but perhaps he is recognizing that with the packing his bags and leaving. Certainly we see times on here where the patient can push away their loved ones because of the worry about dragging them down - often nobody wins.



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