doing 'widow practice'

  • 39 replies
  • 59 subscribers

I'm desperately trying to stay strong and positive for my husband who is having a difficult time getting through chemo.

But I feel so alone. Friends and family say 'ring anytime!' but I just don't feel I can call them late or in the middle of the night. 

Because he's feeling so sick, we are sleeping apart and he goes to bed early. I just sit up or lie awake crying. Mornings are bad too. I don't know where to turn. In the past, he would always be there for me when I was upset. But now i feel I mustn't burden him with my feelings.

Also, I wonder if anyone else recognises this - whenever I am apart from him, especially in the evenings or at night, I tell myself that it's good to feel this loneliness, to get used to it, because what I'm doing is 'widow practice'. I'm prepping for the loneliness to come after he dies (the cancer is terminal, we don't know how long he will live)

During the day, when I am busy at work, I can distract myself and probably even come across to others as quite upbeat. But the times I used to look forward to - evenings and weekends - are becoming an ordeal.

I've never in my life posted on an online forum. But don't know where else to turn right now.

  • I'm so moved reading all these replies... I just feel for all of you... your courage and grief. 

    I also recognise the feeling of guilt when trying to visualise a happy future without my beloved soulmate. But Kiki is right, it is vital to be able to imagine this, even if it is far in the future... And all our partners with cancer would want that for us too. We know that..

  • I'm coming to this late in the day, but wanted to say thank you for your post, Bexx, and to everyone who has shared their stories too. I'm in the same position right now, and reading them really has been a bittersweet sort of comfort. I'm so sorry we're all on this road, but the company seems good :) 

  • My wife passed away on the 12th, I can't explain my sadness in words, I'm still in shock i think.

    I am so sad, I can't think about how to move on from this.

    She was strong to the end, I miss her so much

  • I’m so sorry for your loss.  I doubt anything I can say will help, but send you sincere condolences and the hope that the strength you had throughout your lovely wife’s illness, will soon return.  Be kind to yourself, you will be exhausted. 

  • I'm so sorry to read this Yorkie

  • Oh Yorkie, I so sorry for your loss. We’ve got it to come, but stay strong and accept all the help you are offered. 

  • So sorry to hear this. Sending positive thoughts. Xx

  • Having taken a holiday together before next stage in this I realise how complacent I may have appeared. Reality is constant self doubt and feeling selfish that unfortunately does not appear to be going far. 

    Take care 

    Big hug

    You are not alone 

  • Hi Bxx

    I know exactly what you mean. My husband was diagnosed with inoperable advanced stomach cancer just 3 weeks ago — and we are still reeling with shock as he has deteriorated so quickly Chemo started a week ago and he s having unpleasant symptoms/side effects being so nauseous he can’t eat He has lost 2 stones in a month and seems to be starving in front of me as he can’t eat — only drinks milk and Fresubin 

    Suddenly I m doing all the house stuff plus cater duties — my head hasn’t caught up — big hugs to you xx