At the end of my tether

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My husband of 24 years is currently in hospital after vomiting blood and loosing 12 lbs in 4 days. It's terminal stomach cancer and we're looking at another 6 months of weekly chemo just to manage the horrendous symptoms. What's tragically cruel is he was a chef and has now been recommended a liquid only diet. My heart, soul and body are just about broken and I am desperately in need of someone or something just to give me the strength to carry on

  • I hope the treatment eases the symptoms quickly for your husband. My husband did frequent big bleeds from mouth and nose in April-May and it was awful - his is a different cancer but also terminal. The radiotherapy he had to that area eventually stemmed the flow, but only after making it all worse for a few weeks more. With every bleed I just hoped that it was a sign of some of his cancer cells dying! He too has lost 25% of his weight so far this year and has not 'eaten' anything other than fortisip and milk since April, which has removed our main way of connecting, having meals together.That part of his cancer is now back again and I am waiting for the bleeds to start over any time now, along with the huge decision about whether to go for a very high risk third re-radiation. This whole experience has opened my eyes to the very many people like us appearing to carry on as normal, while dealing with the impact of these terrible symptoms in friends/relatives. Link arms (virtually) - we are carrying on together because we must!

    Cancer treatments March 2021 - October 2023

  • Thanks so much for getting back to me. My husband is now out of hospital but still very weak and low in mood. It doesn't change the situation but it does help to know there are good people out there going through the same horrible journey with bravery and determination. All the very best to you and your husband.