Where’s everybody gone?

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My partner has a very rare and aggressive cancer and I’ve been really struggling to cope. I feel scared, sad, and angry about him getting cancer so young when I wanted to plan a life with him. 

I’ve also noticed that a number of people who I thought would be supportive, have suddenly disappeared, making me feel even more lonely in dealing with this nightmare. 

I’m trying to adjust my coping mechanisms so that I can get myself through each day without having to rely on other people but it’s tough. 

Have others found this too? 

  • Hello Emmaroo, I'm so sorry to hear of your partner's diagnosis.  It must be so very hard for you both.  It's also difficult for you - and you have every right to feel scared, sad and angry.  The role of the carer/partner is so damned difficult.  You must be positive for them but you will also be feeling so helpless too.  It's an awful situation to be in.  My husband has been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer.  He is an extremely independent/stubborn man and that's what I love about him.  Friends have divided into three camps - those who [no fault of their own] just don't want to become involved/don't know what to say; then there's those who say 'just let us know what we can do to help, and then there are a very very few who don't just say let me know etc but who actually step in and do actually help.  You just have to accept any help that's offered from these people - they are your real friends.  Wishing you all the best with what's happening.  Kindest regards, Zebra x

  • Thanks for your message Zebra. You’re so right about people splitting into those three camps. I guess I’m just surprised by who’s gone into which camp. 

    I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis too. I hope you’re getting the support you need to cope with supporting your husband through his lung cancer. Have you visited any support centres? Or do you just stick to family and friends who reach out to support you?  X

  • Hello again.  I am finding a lot of comfort and information here on the forum.  It is reassuring to read that others are or have experienced similar events.  I have a good but small circle of friends who have been wonderful both with their time and understanding. Every instance and situation is individual - certainly not one size fits all.  Even people undergoing what seems to be the same treatment have widely differing side effects/results.  You say in your original message that you are trying to just get through life day by day.  That's all we can do. Sending you all my kindest regards and hope we get through it all safely. x

  • Thank you Zebra. Same to you. Thanks for replying. Take care. X