PET scan

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone

Dad had a PET scan yesterday (11th). He felt very dizzy after the injection and fell on his way to the scanner. Is this common? Also, he's due a blood test on 14th. Is that too soon after the scan- should I rebook the blood test?



  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your dad, for me my link to cancer is my wife and she has had lots of pet-ct scans but never reported being dizzy.

    For the blood test I might suggest you talk to the people taking it but again my wife has had lots of blood tests after pet-ct and it has never been an issue, might be worth mentioning at the appointment though.

    How is your dad otherwise? How are you coping too, it can be really hard watching a loved one go through this.



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  • Thanks for your reply Steve.  I think he might have felt dizzy as he hadn't eaten anything since the day before and tried to stand up too quickly perhaps. 

    I don't know if I'm doing the right thing,  but I'm not telling dad the whole story, I know what he's like. We thought the bowel tumour had been completely removed,  which it was, but cells escaped.  He was given the option of chemo at that stage, but was advised the risk of being unwell could outweigh the benefit.  Now he has 2 tumours on his liver, one near a major vein. Dad wants surgery so is persevering with the scans, but I think they are confirming the tumours are inoperable.  If I tell dad that,I know he'll give up. He's going to refuse chemo unless it's available in tablet form.  It's a tricky situation. 

    I hope your wife is doing okay. 

    Kind regards 
