Feeling Alone

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  • 44 subscribers

My husband has advanced prostate cancer plus bone mets, he was diagnosed 8 months ago and is having hormone treatment. He's doing ok, responding quite well, and he looks really well, but he is so different from the man he was before. The hormones make him weepy and tired, he struggles with hot flushes and our lives seem to revolve around his meds/treatment/apts. We are both retired so are at home most of the time, we moved away when we retired so have no family nearby and a lot of people seem to keep their distance since he was diagnosed, as if they don't want to get involved in case we might ask them for help (which we wouldn't). I have a few friends I can talk to, but they don't and can't understand how I feel. I am just so lonely. I feel as if the man I live with is not the same man I married. He was my best friend and we talked about everything, but he doesn't want to talk about this huge thing in.our lives. I feel that I'm lying to everyone, I say we're ok, we're coping, he's doing well, but inside I'm screaming because nobody understands. Then I feel hateful and selfish because I know this is so much harder for him than for me.

I know there's no answer to this, I know I'll get up tomorrow and carry on living day to day, and we'll be ok somehow. I just needed to tell someone the truth. 

Thankyou for taking time to read this. 

  • Even if it is hard to tell friends, you have told us on here, and we do understand. I think we in this country and a little to nervous about what to say and do when cancer or serious illness is involved. But is there anyone that you think might 'get it' in your new circle? It doesn't even need to be a close friend, just perhaps somone who has been down this road themselves and might be your confidante? And if there is no one you can think of, you still do have us and can virtually scream into your computer when you need to. And all best wishes to your husband too, it's not a road we have an practice at walking.