Carer Burnout

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  • 45 subscribers

My partner (m32) has stage IV bladder cancer and is currently on a trial. The trial has shown that the cancer is stable with slight reduction and not many symptoms from treatment. He chooses to work although I have suggested multiple times over the past 2 years that he should stay at home instead but he enjoys working with his friends twice a week.

I (f29) have looked after everything in the house and with our dogs during the entire relationship (we found out about his cancer a month into the relationship so we lived together quite quickly). Chemo was very difficult with extreme side effects so the clinical trial has been a very welcome change for him.

We have had multiple arguments throughout the relationship especially the last 2-3 months. The majority of the arguments have been around him placing extremely high expectations on me for example; to wake up when he gets home from work at 3am and cook him a meal/stay awake until around 5am. My normal sleep schedule is 11pm-7am as I work full time 8am-4pm. During the entire relationship he has not had to cook or clean at all, not even once as I do it all. Example; he will be standing right next to me but make me cut the tomato for his sandwich because he doesn’t want to do it. 

Recently I have been incredibly burnt out which I have told him (he does not want assistance like a cleaner or carer to help). I have sleep apnoea so making sure that I get enough sleep is very important so that I can function. I also have endometriosis which affects me with extreme pain on a daily basis along with ingrown toenails which affect me being able to stand for long periods.

Yesterday I finally had surgery to remove my ingrown toenails and we had discussed what 2-3 days of bed rest would look like for us. I spent the entire day before the surgery cooking meals for the following few days and cleaning the entire house to ensure that he would not have many responsibilities during this time (he didn’t talk to me that day because he was angry that we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together due to me being busy preparing everything). His main responsibility would be feeding our dogs dinner.

Tonight it was 3 hours after the dogs normal dinner time so I asked if he could do it and he ignored me. I ended up having to do it which upset me after everything that I have done and being so sore after surgery made it difficult. He then proceeded to tell me how I need to make the dogs listen to me (they were very excited for dinner time considering it was 3 hours late so I was trying to get them to sit and wait). This made me so upset because on top of having to do it I was being told off for not being perfect.

I just need to know if anyone else has experienced this as a carer and to know if I am being dramatic by being upset by this. I am so burnt out and at my breaking point where nothing that I do is good enough. I don’t know how much more I have to give when I feel like there is no appreciation for all that I do.

  • Hi Dee

    You both have not had it easy to say the least. And its not easy on you as his partner and  carer  in away and work and looking after the home and dogs.

    So yes, feeling burnt out is normal. Your a human being too, with thoughts and feelings and needs too.  You need time for you to relax and unwind.  Can you take a bit of time off work?.  Or meet some friends for a night out. Or just to destress for a chat for you. 

    It sounds like he is so used to being the one ill. He cant see its taking a toll on you too. 

    As very quickly into your relationship you found out about his cancer then you lived together. A lot has happened over a short time for you both.

    Feel for you both and thinking of you Dee

  • This may sound harsh, but you need to get away for a few days - either with a friend or just on your own. He will have to look after himself then, and if he is able to work then he is able to do that for a few days. He must have managed before you lived together?  My partner has become lazy and it seemed easier to do everything for him rather than keep asking him to do things, but actually then you make the problem worse.  It would be one thing if he were bedridden, but he is fully able to do everything, he just won't.  Your partner sounds the same.  You really need to stand up for yourself - just don't cut his tomato! I made my partner cook his own dinner the other day and he made such a fuss but he did it and I read my book! It was lovely.  You are not being dramatic at all - it is your life too and you have to do things for yourself.  Take care of yourself xxx

  • Thank you so much for your response and understanding. Unfortunately I can’t take time off work or leave the house much due to the financial burden of taking care of most bills but I wish that I could!

  • That doesn’t sound harsh at all! I completely understand where you are coming from and I really think that this is just how he would be even if he didn’t have cancer. I try my best to take time for myself by having relaxing baths and reading a book but even then he gets annoyed that I am away from him for too long. He sleeps during the day but expects me to lay next to him in bed on my days off but I find it so difficult to relax when I am constantly so busy with so many things to do. Please take care of yourself too!