Mom struggling with 2 daughters with cancer

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  • 44 subscribers

I am a mother of two adult daughters with families of their own who have cancer. My eldest age 48 was diagnosed with lymphoma and is now in remission after chemo about 6 months ago. Now her sister age 46 has been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and after surgery it was found in her lymph nodes so she will be starting chemo in a few weeks. As a mom I am struggling with watching them both suffer even though they are wonderful survivors and strong, I feel so helpless knowing there's nothing I can do but listen and be there for both of them. Having no one to talk to about your fears and anxiety is really difficult, especially when you live alone and friends just want to talk about their problems. I work as an employment counselor and help people with their problems every day so it gets pretty overwhelming without a way to detach from all of stress right now. Thanks for listening.


  • I can understand what you are going through.I last my 24 years healthy son a year ago to non Hodgkin aggressive lymphoma.I watched my son suffering and dying in front of me and was not able to do anything rather than paying.I am here if you want to talk x