Bowel Cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My husband is on his second session of chemo and is struggling badly.  He actually doesn't have cancer anymore  (they successfully removed the tumor) but his surgeon recommended he have the chemo as a precaution to definitely clear him completely.   He's been very well up to now and feels he is going down hill since having the chemo and he can't cope with it. I just don't know what to say or do to help him.  It's breaking my heart seeing him in this state! 

  • I can sympathise with your husband, I had breast cancer successfully removed by surgery and then chemo as a precaution.  I didn't feel ill until the chemo started, lost my hair and so looked/felt like I thought having cancer would be like, even though it was already gone.

    I would suggest speaking with his consultant, they may be able to reduce the dose (my last two were reduced by 20% to help me cope), tweak meds etc.  Or speak to the staff at the unit, I found them very helpful and they do not want your husband to feel so low.

    A daily diary of symptoms helped me see the patterns in how I was feeling and helped me cope with the next session as I felt better prepared.

    I wish you both well, it is an awful situation to be in.

  • Thanks so much for your kind words.  I feel so sad and helpless for him.  He's a very fit and usually healthy man it's savage....   I hope all is now good with you. Take care

  • Thank you, I am all good now and recovered well.  Unfortunately my husband has been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer and begins chemo next week so I find myself in the carer role this time.  He is also very fit, runs 20 miles a week, eats well etc, this came out of the blue and such a shock.  He is going to make a dreadful patient, we joke about him going for a slow jog with his chemo drip around the hospital, to keep busy.  However being so healthy makes for better outcomes.  

  • Almost exactly the same situation ! I'm really sorry to hear your terrible situation. Nothing to say except stay as strong as you can and just be there for each other.