Strong willed wife

  • 2 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My wife has always been the strong one. Our marriage has been fraught for th past few years. 5 weeks ago she was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer. Our rows have increased and today she told me to find somewhere else to live.

I love her so much. Her kids think I only want her for her money. It's not true

I want to support her through her treatment. She will not want that nw and will try and attend her appointments without me I have no doubt. I also cried at the consultants meeting which embarrassed her.

I don't know what to do. 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to read about what you are going through. Cancer is a big shock to everyone and often either brings people together or divides them and if there are issues with her children too that must be really difficult for both of you.

    It might help you to look at your feelings when someone has cancer so you can deal with your own feelings - as we sometimes note we need to fit our own oxygen mask first before we can help anyone else.



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  • Hi Jon 

    I am sorry to hear about your situation.  My wife has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and I just wanted to say that your experience isnt unique. Our conflict has escalated. Like you guys it seems, we weren't great before the diagnosis bit things seem to be going from bad to worse. For me I just can't seem to work out what she needs,  she's an empath and I not wired that way. This is hard really hard I hope you guys managed to resolve your issues. Like me it sounds like you love your wife.