Feeling so tired...

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Can anyone tell me if its normal to feel so tired when you are caring for your partner who has cancer? Its been four months of constant stress and worry, watching him in pain rtc...and taking on extra responsibilities.  Jumping every time he sounds in pain.  Disturbed sleep at times;  cant stop thinking in the middle of the night.  Trying to be the cheerful, optimistic one. Most days Im so tired now and wonder if its the constant worrying and stress.  Treatment is just about to start and I feel at the end of my tether already, and wonder how I will cope with all his health issues during treatment, and even more worry and work falling on me.  it sounds awful to say it but I just feel like running away and never having to worry about another person again...totally unrealistic I know (Not that I would!)
Are these feeling normal? And more to the point, what can I do to feel better? I do have coffee times with friends, to get out now and then, but it still doesn't help this tiredness and stressy feeling.

i welcome any advice from others who have been through it and come out the other side! Many thanks x

  • Yes, it is absolutely normal. Its incredibly tiring, emotionally and physically, I dont think you can fully appreciate how tiring until you do it. You absolutely must make time for you, easier said than done I know. It might be worth talking to your GP too, its very easy to lapse into a depression when you are feeling low with constant pressure. It may be possible for your doctor to prescribe some anti depressants. I know this is not an easy option, and medication can never be a magic cure, I mention it only as it may be applicable to anyone who does tend to suffer with anxiety/depression anyway. You dont say if you work, if you are at home I suggest a routine will help, something every day that is your time, that you enjoy. When I was caring for my partner I set aside an hour each day when I would have tea and cake/biscuits, read my book or watch something I enjoyed. I love old british sitcoms, and black and white films,I take great comfort from them, so these were my go to viewing for my "time off". This may be harder to do if you are working, but can still be done. I also kept in mind that there were thousands of others feeling just like me, I think that helps because you can feel as though you are the only one going through this when of course, you are not. Sending you massive hugs, just take one day at a time and keep putting one foot in front of the other. xxx

  • Hello Crystalwitch. You have really helped me! I’m so glad to know that others feel tired and the same way. I am already doing what you advised except not doing something like that every day. I will try to do that. I had to smile as I too watch old sitcoms and shows as a way to escape present reality. Again I thought that was just me so you’ve reassured me there too! As for the anti depressants Already on them (for anxiety, long term) so got that covered too Wink(we are both retired by the way)

    I also do think there’s always someone worse off which mostly keeps me in the right state of mind but at times it just overwhelms you. 
    thank you so much again. I have just been to a little post coronation soirée and it was so nice to be in a “normal” situation again, just talking about normal stuff!

    kind regards and thanks for the hugs! Well received by me!


  • PS hope your husbands well now my lovely x

  • I am so glad it helped a little. Sadly my partner died last week. She was diagnosed in February so it all happened very fast. Always here if you want a chat. xxx

  • Oh God I am SO sorry...I also had an instinctive idea that it wasn't your husband after I had typed it. Should've followed my instincts!  Apologies for assuming.

    you are very kind to be offering me support when you must need it too.  If you need to chat, ditto.  What cancer did your partner have if you  don't mind my asking?

  • Its ok, don't worry. She was in a hospice for the last 4 weeks, and I am so thankful for that. She was able to receive expert round the clock care, they were amazing. She had gall bladder cancer, but by the time it was discovered it was much too late and the cancer had spread. Its all happened so fast, she only became unwell in early December. The last 6 months have been truly awful and I am in all honesty, relieved it is all over and she is no longer suffering. Watching someone you love crying out in pain is heartbreaking as I am sure you know. We were together for 32 years and I am heartbroken, but taking comfort in the fact her suffering has ended. When your loved one has a terminal diagnosis, you are suspended between 2 worlds, its like grieving for someone but they are still here. Do you know how long your partners treatment will go on for? x

  • Hi, I understand how you feel I have been there before and going through it again. It's not my partner but I lost my father and now my mother is, it's not good and it's hard every sound constant stress, any good advice is welcome, because I know I'm struggling. I hope you have someone because it's hard on your own. x

  • I am so sorry you are dealing with this, its so hard isnt it? 14 years ago my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, then a couple of months later my dad was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, completely out of the blue. Fortunately my mum recovered but my dad died 3 weeks later. As an only child, I struggled badly. Its a very lonely place to be, even with friends and wider family. Everyone wants to help but in reality no one can take away the pain and distress, they only thing that helps is time. Is your mum at home? x

  • Hi, I too feel like running away (not that I would). My Husband got diagnosed with Terminal Oesophageal Cancer January 2022 and its been the worse time ever, for both of us, for different reasons. I don't have close family and they just seem to say, I'm there for you, but they are not, they dont understand half of what I am going through, to me they are just words. Dont want this to sound all doom and gloom, but I truly understand your feelings. I have started going swimming Once a week and I also set time aside to read, so take the advice from others and set a little time for yourself.

  • Are you caring for him at home? Its truly horrendous to be living in this no mans land, sending you a huge hug. I know what you mean about people offering to help, they mean well but I think in a way it makes them feel better to offer but in reality it doesn't help us much. I am so glad you are making that important time for you. When I was having an awful day, (which was often) I began to look forward to my little pockets of self care time. always here if you want to offload. xxx