feeling isolated

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I have only recently found this site.  Wish I had known about it weeks ago when my husband was first diagnosed.  David has tonsil cancer with lymph node involvement and is 2 weeks out of treatment - 30 days radiotherapy and 2 cycles of chemo.  After daily trips to hospital with the contact that gives it feels like we have been cast adrift now, although staff are always at the end of the phone and we have had weekly video consultations.  It feels a bit like we are in limbo.  David was quite despondent by the end of treatment, but has started to pick up a bit in the last few days.  We know it is going to be a long recovery, but  are unsure what happens next.  We have been told that we will be handed over to our local team next week, but what that will mean for us we don't know.

Sorry if this is a bit of a whinge but I have felt unable to voice these thoughts to anyone who would understand.  I have three wonderful sons who do all they can to help, but they can't give me the answers I want.  It has been a very difficult year so far, as my dad was admitted to hospital about the time of David's diagnosis and died only a week late.  I am fortunate to have a brother who has handled most of the issues related to that, but I miss my dad, having been one of his carers for the last 5 years.  He was 96 but was still living alone in his own home, with help from my brother and I.

If you are reading this, thanks for taking the time