Don't know what to say anymore

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My mum was diagnosed just before Christmas with pancreatic cancer it's spread to kidney liver and Lung and chemo would only give her 3 months extra so they aren't giving any treatment and she is on palliative care now. It has been so hard to process and accept but I have had no choice now but to accept it. My problem now is I just don't know what to say to my mum she isn't going out any more so she is stuck in and it feels like the only thing we talk about is cancer, how I'll she feels or doesn't feel today or pain medication that's it all the time and I know it's not her fault she isn't going any where to talk about anything else and in not angry at her I'm so angry at the cancer. But I just don't know what to say that isn't cancer or pain related. I remember going through this exact same thing with my dad who also passed away from cancer and my mother would say stuff like all he talks about is how I'll get is all the time and I get how she felt because now she is going through it it's all she talks about I guess I'm just looking for some answers on what do u say what do u do to keep everyone's spirits up when we're going through such a painful thing I want the last few months of her life to be I don't know I can't even say memorable because these are not memories I want I just don't want it to be all consumed by cancer yes she has cancer and yes it's taking her away and we have no control over it but she isn't cancer she is more than that. 

  • Unfortunately, we have gone massively downhill and mum has days left

    Im in complete shock but the doctor told us it’s a matter of days now

    i can’t breathe it’s only been 5 weeks since prognosis and we were told longer but she has declined so bloody quickly 

    we have a hospital bed in the lounge set up and they’ve just had to come to administer a cocktail of stuff as she’s been sick…..

    this is all happening so fast too fast I’m struggling to breath 

  • Oh no what has happened for them to say so sorry I know how fast it can change it's crazy hits u right in the face when u think it's going ok. Its just awful I just hope she isn't suffering to long my love because it's sounds awful but having them suffer weeks on end its not nice it feels like your mum was wanting one last good time before this happened it really feels like some how she new. Hold on in there I know it's hard it's so hard I'm here if u need to shout or talk or advice if I can give it 

  • We came back from Nice and she started to decline her stomach started to bloat out and she was just exhausted…all her friends have come to see her and Joshua and I have moved in 

    as of last night at 8pm the district nurse gave her a cocktail of drugs and she’s been sedated ever since 

    she’s not opened her eyes since then, they have come back this morning with a driver and my beautiful mummy is in a hospital bed in her lounge 

    I hate this for her as she’d never want to be putting us through this…..god it’s all happened so fast we were only at 5 weeks and were told 3-6 months 

    its just too much…..I miss her already x

  • Ah dear that was fast my mother went like that really fast as well she was sedated one day but she woke up and come around the next day and hasn't been sedated since. It is so hard I know I'm loving on my mum's sofa watching them everyday is so hard but all u can wish for is shes not in pain I bet it's such a shock to process it still is some times to me when things keep changing I'm here for a chat when every u want xxxx

  • Thinking of you all over mothers day tomorrow. Feels so sad knowing it will be the last. Must be awful her being sedated. Hope she wakes up. 

    Hoping to take my mum out tomorrow for just an hour away from the hospital but she's so weak, less than 6 stones now and we got a phone call yesterday saying the cancer has progressed and she doesn't have long left. Seeing my dad break down and cry for the first time was awful.  He has to decide whether they stop her meds or not. Sometimes she still seems with it, other times she's no idea where she is. 

  • I lost my mum at 6.50 this evening - she went with dignity my step dad spoke to her and so did my sister and so did just saying what we needed to say and telling her it was ok to go and then 10 minutes later with us and my son and niece all round her and there was no pain or distress 

    it’s liked she planned it…..I’m broken beyond words 

  • I'm so sorry. It sounds like she went in the best way possible though surrounded by her loved ones knowing you were all there. No more pain for her at least. 

    Sending my love but I know nothing can be said to make you feel better.  

  • Ah I am so so sorry for your loss but it sounds like she had a beautiful goodbye and that's exactly what she would have wanted and you made that possible so please take some comfort knowing you donethat for her. You need some time now to process because this all happened really quickly for you take it like u have been one day at a time Heartand I'm here if you need to chat ️