Frustrated, worried and tired.

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  • 44 subscribers

After two rounds, my husband’s immunotherapy treatment has been put on hold since December due to blood tests showing a deterioration in his liver function. His immunotherapy is under one hospital and his liver condition under our local one . It has been a struggle getting our local hospital to look into his liver function - initially we were given a referral on March 14 - but after a lot of calls he was seen a week ago where they determined the function levels were being caused by conflicting medications. He had a week of tests, changed medication and infusions and we were hopeful this would result in next weeks immunotherapy going ahead. Then Wednesday evening he had a massive nosebleed, lasting five hours. I took him into A&E and they admitted him for a transfusion. However, throughout the day the hospital had ‘no systems’ allowing them to order blood or medication. We are praying the transfusion takes place today but I’m so worried this delay, coupled with the medication issues and constant taking of bloods, will once again delay his treatment.

I know there’s no reply to this post and that everyone is doing their best but my husband is getting more and more frustrated, fed up and depressed by all this and I don’t know how much strength I have left to encourage positivity.

  • Oh Mrs JP, sorry to read this. I hope by now that things have eased a bit and that they've managed to give your husband the transfusion.

    You're right- we are all doing our best but  we're also still all here for each other too so I'm glad you reached out. Even posting on here maybe helped a wee least I hope it did.

    As for strength - you'll find it. As they say " you never know how strong you are until you have no other choice."  Take things one step at a  time. On the tough days, break it down into manageable chunks. 

    Please make sure you are taking time for yourself here too to recharge your wee batteries. It's not selfish, its essential. Remember too that the helpline is only a phone call away if you need them. The number is below.

    For now I'm sending you a huge virtual hug and lots of positive energy. Stay strong...and remember to breathe.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Wee Me - I think that’s what I needed to hear today and I appreciate the virtual hug. You’ve also made me realise I can’t, and don’t have to, do this alone anymore when there is support out there. Thank you.