Stomach Cancer side effects with 1 kidney

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My husband had his left cancerous kidney removed in September and has not felt right since. On Monday he had the results of a CT scan which has shown a lot of cancer everywhere in his stomach and we were told it’s spreading fast but not in his  organs yet. We were given the options of 2 treatments one, 1 drip and tablets or two, 2 drips. The specialist has recommended the second, my concerns are the side effects as he only has 1 kidney and how am I going to manage them on my own.

I went to my doctors and had counselling today which has really helped, as since Monday it’s been difficult to cope with my emotions.

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your husband and the impact this is having on you. I am sure the consultant will be well aware of the risks and side effects, though of course many people are worried at a time like this often we hear "the side effects were not as bad as we feared". I know with my wife's first chemo most side effects were mild - except one and that one meant that the chemo was stopped half way through and meant there was something "new" to fix. This was fixed and then we tried a different type of chemotherapy any that stopped Janice's cancer growing - stable - we can live with stable.

    Me a bit all over the place in the process, I ended up on a living with less stress course that really helped me. Coping with emotions at a time like this is difficult if not impossible so really glad to hear the counselling helped you and even more glad you came here and shared your story because it will help others who never got to the point of talking about their feelings - men especially can be really bad here, i know I was and it hurt me.



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  • Thanks Steve for replying. I thought no one would! I hope Janice keeps stable, any little hope gives you a boost. 
    Sharon x